Splits Interval Time Pace
Swim 33:10.600 27:39 min/mi
T1 03:13.930
Bike 02:38:25.090 21.21 mi/hr
T2 01:01.540
Run 01:45:48.390 08:05 min/mi
another fitness guage completed, and a test to see how my leg is holding up. All in all, my day was pretty good. it started with a quick snack, bagel with peanut butter, ensure, and banana gather up the gear and head down to set up transition.
the swim was a very easy effort, i just don't have any extra gears on the swim these days, i find a pair of feet, sit in on them and cruise along comfortably. i'm going to have to admit that i am apparently retired from racing the swim. the good news is i'll be taking a hiatus from running, so i'll have to replace those miles with swim time and bring myself back to racing the swim. the last 2 - 300 hundred meters of the swim i pushed a bit harder and came out of the water feeling ready for a nice bike session. swim split: 33:10
transition was a bit slower than i'd like, i ran down the wrong row (that's what i get for making fun of mike for doing it 2 years back), i struggled slightly getting my wetsuit off then grabbed the necessary items and was off on the bike. t1: 3:13
once out of the transition area and clear of the mount line, i hopped on my bike, as i began pedaling, my right shoe came off. stop, turn around go back and get my shoe. put it back on, back on the bike, and now i can start pedaling again. mental note, it's time to replace the cleats, and perhaps shoes, they've gotten much more life then they were made to withstand.
once i got things back in order, it was off to the races, i get all caught up in the excitement of being on the bike, and take off very quickly. the first climb was a reality check, once i got there i chose a new strategy, sit up and spin easy up the climb. the jury is still out on this one. still not sure if i sure push a little harder up the climbs or spin a little more, there's time to figure it out.
once at the top of the first climb, i settled into a comfortable pace, not pushing too hard just moving and giving my legs time to come around. within 5 miles of getting on the bike, my stomach was unhappy, that gave me something to ponder for the next 20 miles. i had been sipping on a gatorade carbopro concoction, but it wasn't overly dense, or anythign else that should have caused stomach issues. i switched to water and spent a good amount of time thinking, i should be drinking the carbopro, but not doing it.
at the aid stations i was grabbing a water bottle, drinking as much water as i could before i was through and dumping the bottle. after the aid station at mile 27, i grabbed a banana and water, at the banana and decided it was time to either clear my stomach out or twist it up good and tight, so i shifted to a harder gear, increased my cadence, and began powering through the last 1/2 of the bike course.
my stomach gave up and decided to cooperate, so i was off to the races, it was time to put in some hard miles so i wouldn't be tempted to race the run (this was to be my 3rd run, and only my first over 2 miles in almost 3 weeks, as i have some shin issues i'm working through).
at mile 37 i caught the first of several elite women, it's always fun to catch the pro's, even if they are having a bad day. i powered through the climbs pretty well, and managed to burn my legs out a bit. the last mile of the ride goes through a very fun wiggly descent, which i love. i tucked in and enjoyed the speedy descent. i took in roughly 900 calories on the bike. bike split: 2:38:25
got into t2 went down the correct row this time, racked my back, put on my racing flats, and took off at a very conservative pace. t2: 1:01
for the first mile or 2, i heard footsteps behind me and kept thinking, if you want to do well, you will have to pass me, i'm not racing, i'm just testing the waters on this run. i was more than content to shuffle along at a comfortable training pace and see how my shin felt. there were a couple twinges along the way, mostly on the descents. then just after mile 4, there is a good little climb which lasts a mile give or take.
i was in for a suprise, my right achilles began niggling. what the? this hasn't been a factor in 10 months, why now, am i compensating so much for the left shin? i slowed to a walk began contemplating my options and moving forward. as i neared the 1/2 way point i figured it was all in my head, i'm just going to jog up the hill and see where i'm at when i get to the bottom on the other side.
at the bottom, i decided it was time to pick up the pace and see how my leg was really doing, the quicker i get done running the better it is for me right?? so i picked up the pace, still not quite racing, but going pretty good to see how things felt.
the rest of the run went well, the last mile is the same descent which i enjoyed so much on the bike, and typically love running down. not today though, i new i'd be in for a slow descent, and would be forced to watch people run by me as i limped along trying not to aggravate my shin.
the run wasn't too bad under the circumstances, my leg felt good, a couple twinges but promise that it's on the way to better. i ate 1 gel, and drank pretty sparingly, maybe 3 or 4 cups of gatorade, and 2 or 3 cups of water. run split: 1:45:48
a decent showing, not ideal, but there are several pieces that will get more focus over the next month. overall time 5:01:39
results are under liam their
results: http://wf09.bazumedia.com/event/WILDFLWR2009#
photos: http://www.asiorders.com/view_user_event.asp?EVENTID=47802&BIB=476