Swim (1.2 miles)
I lined up a bit wide and towards the front, not expecting a strong swim, but still not ready to concede a back of the pack start. i was lacking the strength to have a good pull, and the endurance to maintain. SWIM 0:35:27 (1:52/100m), a bit slow and lots of work to be done in the next month.
a nice long run up the boat ramp and over to the bike, stripped my wetsuit with no issues, onto the bike. 3:11
Bike (56 miles)
Had a good bike ride, felt solid. spent the first 24 miles just relaxing and enjoying a good rhythm. This would deliver me to the base of the climbs feeling well. over the first 24 miles i did some back and forth with a couple riders, just before we got to the climbs, 1 of the riders made a move and left me, the other was not as strong, and soon dropped off the pace on the climbs. i enjoy picking people off through the climbs and coming into the flat return stretch feeling good and eager to ride strong. there were some good cross winds keeping things interesting, but not really inhibiting the forward progress.
coming back through the backside of camp pendleton, i've got a good amount of push left in my legs and am happily cruising into t2: Bike 2:34:05 (21.8 mph)
no issues, a good little run through, put my socks and sneakers on and i'm off. 1:45
Run (13.1 miles)
I start out feeling pretty good and try to reign in the pace for the first 1/2. it's not long before i see mike coming back finishing up his first lap. Soon thereafter, i come up on victor, he's starting to cramp and have some issues, we talk a bit, and he runs with me for a mile or so, then he drops off the pace a bit, and i wish him well. the first loop went fairly well, i'm on pace to run a 1:35, then i start to feel the lack of running in my legs. a little before mile 9 i accept the inevitable and settle in on the pace, i don't have the miles in my legs to race the last 4 miles, so i'm going to run it strong, but accept a bit less on the run than i'd hoped for: RUN 1:43:32 (7:54 min/mile)
another unspectacular day: 4:57:59. still a bit of work to do before lanzarote.