Thursday, August 27, 2009

Imperial Beach Tri

all in all the day was a successful stepping stone and confidence builder for canada. got to transition early picked out a spot near the bike out and made myself at home. Then waited around for the start. Trying new shoes, lets see how they are to get into on the bike.
The swim went well, I don’t remember a lot about it except I spent a lot of time going wide on the course, felt relatively comfortable the entire time and smooth. The one memorable moment, on my way in, I was picked up by a wave and dropped over the falls, nothing like a good spin cycle to get you ready to do some hard cycling. Looking up the beach, I see Mike Kelley, a typically strong swimmer, so I chase him up the beach and into transition. Swim split 0:9:44
Had a slow transition, some issues getting my wetsuit off, and too stubborn to sit down to take the suit off, lesson learned, wetsuit strippers are the way to go. Sunglasses, helmet, bike, onto the good stuff.
Got on the bike, and started my chase of mike kelley. I built some speed up to try and get into my shoes. Now let’s see how easy I can get into those fancy new shoes. Not so easy, the right one came off the pedal, luckily I was able to keep it on my foot, somewhat and keep cycling. Finally got my foot into the shoe, and a slightly easier time for the left foot. Looks like I’ll be running to the bike mount in my shoes at canada. hope that goes well.
Back to chasing down mike kelley. with both shoes on I can focus on the task at hand. it took me 1 or 2 miles, but I eventually caught him. He and J have this little tradition, everytime J catches and passes mike, he slaps him on the ass, a little “good game” gesture. Since J isn’t racing today, I figure it’s my place to keep the tradition. Mental note, it’s best to keep your hands to yourself on the bike (that’s probably why J catches mike on the run, it’s safer). I reach over and give him a good pat on my way by. Almost immediately my tire grabs and I find myself being violently re-directed to the left. Oh bother, this will be perfect, if I crash, I’ll need to peel myself off the ground and pass mike kelley again, that means another slap, and more potential for a crash. fortunately I was able to keep things upright and somewhat together. Back to cycling.
The bike went well, took a little while before I found my groove, and in the last 10k a couple other participants in my division came up to me and started the pass and slow down game. I went by them twice, the 3rd time they passed me, I was content and let them go. My legs felt good, and I was confident I’d be able to run a stronger run than either of them was up for on the day.
Shoes off (much easier than shoes on while riding) and preparing for a fast transition to make up for the earlier debacle. Not to mention if’ I’m very efficient, I can be in and out of transition before either of the 2 cyclists in front of me get onto the run course. Bike split and 2 transitions: 0:26:18
I had a good transition, both of the cyclists where in behind me getting out of transition, now to see how the run is coming. I started out very strong on the run, see if anybody felt like pushing the pace. About 1 mile into the run, I caught up to Sara, gave her a little pat, and continued charging hard. At the turn around, I could see other the 2 dropping back. Now it’s just me to push it. I pushed through the finish, felt strong coming across the line, and like I may have been able to eak out a little more speed, but not much. Run spilt 0:16:56.
looks like I’ve still got some speed in my legs, the book is closed, time to see what happens in Canada. My biggest challenge is to race smart.

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