Thursday, February 4, 2010

Challenge Wanaka

i arrived in wanaka thursday afternoon, 2 days prior to the race. It isn't actually intended to be a race, more of a status check and excuse to get to new zealand and visit a bit of the island.

Swim (3800m)
I lined up a bit wide and towards the front, not expecting a strong swim, but still not ready to concede a back of the pack start. It's a two loop swim, so i took it pretty comfortable for the first loop with virtually no draft. There were several cold sections. For the 2nd loop, i switched between a couple sets of feet and came out feeling pretty good, if not a little cold. SWIM 1:09:29 (1:50/100m), a bit slow, but lets me know i'll be fine in lanzarote with 3 - 4 swims a week.

a run up the beach and over the bridge to transition area, grabbed my transition bag, and into the changing tent. sunglasses and i'm on my way. 4:20

Bike (180km)
Had some trouble getting into my shoes initially, then spent the next 20km being cold, holding a very comfortable effort, it's a long day coming. There are some gentle rollers, with a couple that extend long enough to drop to the small chainring. I enjoy catching some of the faster swimmers for the first 40km.

coming into km 60, i spent some time wondering if i would have any issues taking the water bottle with my left hand, in all my races to this point, the aid stations were on my right side, and i took the bottles with my right hand. on top of that, i'm right handed. At km 60, i dropped a pulse bottle, and took the bottle without issue.

I expected 40 - 90km to be a fast section, the course profile shows it to be a net downhill; however, the road texture and headwinds prove otherwise. around the 70km mark, two riders went by me, and i decided to hang on to the wheel through 90km. I maintained a constant effort at a slightly higher speed. Started to feel good, which is convenient as kms 90 - 140 are a net climb up. fortunately what was a headwind on the way down turned to a tailwind for the way back. that combined with my feeling better turned to a faster split through 140km. i had a toilet break at km 120, then back on the bike.

i came around a corner at 140km, and started on one of the longer climbs on the course. something lodged in my front brake, causing me to stop. I checked and didn't find anything in the brake, it must have pushed clear. Upon restarting part way up the hill, I slipped off the pedal and landed on the seat, which no longer sits level, now pointing about 20 degrees down. there goes that comfy riding position i'd been enjoying. The last 40km would prove challenging, due to the new position. I spent a bit of time standing, and moving around trying to limit the discomfort of the new saddle.

I missed one of the last turns, fortunately, the volunteers quickly chased me down, and got me back on course. The last 10km proved a bit challenging, my legs were not terribly happy, though i held a decent pace, i was ready for my legs to be worthless on the run. Bike 5:57:54 (30 km/hr = 18.8mph)

no issues, re-applied sunscreen and off to see how my legs hold up for some 42kms. 2:26

Run (42km)
I start out feeling pretty good and try to reign in the pace for the first 10km. the first loop went fairly well, the first 1/2 of the loop is on trails, along the lake, and a river. I came through the 22 or 23km mark doing all right, though i was slowing steadily. At this point, i've started bartering: ok, i just need to run through 25km or perhaps 30km, then i can walk for a bit.

i try taking in more calories, hopefully it'll bring my legs back around. i'm grabbing em's power cookies and bananas at each station, some water and gatorade. At 30km, im walking up the steeper hills, and contemplating jumping in the river and floating down the course a bit. cool blue water, looks very inviting, flashbacks to canada, where i contemplated jumping in the lake.

on top of that, i can feel the sunburn setting in. lovely another 8kms, and i'm already sunburnt. this will be a great day. I walked from km 33 - 35, popped a motivator, in hopes it would ease the final 7km. it just made me dizzy, apparrently they only work if there's fuel in the tank. 37km, 1 aid station left, i'll just take some water and hold on for the rest. a very unspectacular finish. RUN
4:36:55 (6:34 min/km - 10:34 min/mile)

overall an unspectacular day on a fabulous course. 11:51:04

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