Carine, my Mom, my sister Tracy, my niece Shania came out to provide support and try to motivate me to a solid finish. Saturday i checked in most of my gear and my bike. Just got a new cassette, chain, tires and tubes, cleaned it up, and am ready to post a solid ride.
Sunday morning wake up around 4 am, eat a little, drink a little, grab the last of my things, and we head over to the swim start. i spend some time doing last minute preparations, and then relax and focus on the upcoming day. i'm feeling pretty good, legs are slightly tired, but that should shake out in the first 10 miles of the bike.
at 6 am i put on my wetsuit hand off my excess clothes and what not, and head over towards the swim start. the morning air is a bit cool, and the water slightly cooler, or at least that is how it feels.
6:30, the canon goes off, and swimming begins, i'd positioned myself towards the front, hoping to come out pretty hard for the 1st 500m, then settle in with one of the faster packs. it didn't take long before things went poorly. it was somewhat crowded, but not nearly as packed as lake placid; however, for some reason, it was too much for me, i came out hard, but quickly faded. i was having difficulty breathing, couldn't find a rhythm, and wound up pulling back and letting people go by until things thinned out. after nearly 600m enough people had swam by me for things to open up, and i was able to fall into a rhythm. it felt good, but i kept it very relaxed. i was moving along steadily, and was passing people. but i knew it would not be a fast swim, i'll get to make up time on the bike and run.
at the turn around we were swimming directly into the sun, so sighting was difficult. then the final turn in towards shore, only 800m to go and i was feeling good. i quickened my pace slightly, and exited the water feeling a bit too good. i need to get comfortable swimming in a pack. swim time: 1:13:04 (10 minutes slower than anticipated).
out of the water, up the ramp, the wetsuit is stripped off rather quickly, grab my T1 bag and into the changing tent. don my helmet, throw my goggles, cap, and wetsuit into the bag hand it to the volunteer, and i'm onto the bike.
it's a slow climb up to the road. once i make the right turn, i start moving along. 1 rider goes by me, i make an effort to keep him in sight and try to pace off him; however, my legs are not up for it, if i keep pace, i will pay dearly in the later miles. so i settle back into my comfortable pace.
i stop at the first aid station for a bathroom break and grab a water. then i'm back on my way. the nutrition is going down easy, and i'm slowly making up ground. the climbs seem comfortable, i'm maintaining a good pace, and feeling comfortable. about mile 20 i pass a small group.
within a mile or 2, 1 of the riders from the group comes by and comments that we will probably be seeing a lot of each other today. that would be good, it's nice to have someone to keep you honest and help you through the tough spots. we go back and forth, maintaining a strong pace for the course, and continue passing people. another cyclist keeps surging to pass us, then slows down. he managed that 3 or 4 times before he dropped off our pace. on the next climb, my companion pulls alongside and we do introductions, Daniel and i would keep each other honest and moving up to around mile 70 or 75.
somewhere between miles 25 and 30 my legs come around and i'm able to pick up the pace a bit. then i begin to get a twinge in my back. i've done some long rides, and only seem to aggravate this nerve or muscle in a few events - the last 3 silvermans, and the norseman. perhaps it's all the climbing and the position on my bike. not sure, but i do know i can generally go 5 - 6 hours without this problem. This would linger through mile 90 or so. Around mile 35 i pass Victor, whom i met in norway a couple years ago. he offers some encouragement and we wish each other well.
Daniel and i continue putting time into people up to the turn around, somewhere around mile 52. on the way back through there is the bike special needs bag (a collection of odds and ends, or snacks you may want on the bike). my nutrition is holding up as planned, so i have no need for my bag, and will leave it (this turns out to be good, because the volunteers offer me rider 175's bag, i'm 176). Daniel drops back slightly to grab his bag, but it's not there. He is understandably upset. i offer him what i have. he declines at that point.
Up to this point things have been pretty good, some wind, but nothing too severe. at the turn around, there were 10 - 12 riders ahead of me, and a small pack had formed behind me. most of the riders behind me were new. Daniel noticed this too, and commented that they were trying to chase us down. i smiled and said they are going to have to work hard, the worst is yet to come, some hard climbs, and a strong head wind. for a moment a doubt creeps in and i almost think some of the riders have a chance of passing me. than i shake it off, i've put in time on the climbs and building my bike, it's strong, and i'm ready to go. bike split at 52 miles: 2:39:21
as we start up the first climb, Daniel asks if i have any e-caps (electrolyte pills). he felt some muscle twinges, and doesn't want to cramp. I give him 1/2 the thermolytes i'm carrying (different electrolyte mix, but essentially the same). we pass several more riders on the climb out. around mile 70 or 75, my legs are really coming around, and i'm going well up the climbs.
the course gets faster, and i let it go a bit. around mile 80 or so, it's been a while since i've seen or heard Daniel, i glance back, and there is nobody there. i hope he didn't flat, he wasn't carrying anything except nutrition.
around mile 85, my back is tightening up, and really beginning to bother me. i have to pee as well, but i'm concerned some of the riders will catch me if i do. after a bit, the debate is over, i stop to pee. as i'm getting back on the bike, i see a rider coming up, so i hammer it pretty good for a couple miles to create a gap. as i'm coming out the last of the long climbs, i see a white truck off in the distance, parked at the turn. wouldn't that be great if it were my cheering section. my back is really starting to spasm and tighten up. i remember peter reid had said, my bike isn't comfortable, it's fast, and hope my bike is fast enough to get me off it before my back gets much worse.
as i'm climbing out, i hear the cheers for me, and when i turn, they are all happy to yell encouragement. i read the sign they have made, and draw a little bit of energy from them. my back is really getting bad, i have to stand up and pedal to try and loosen it up, while sitting up, and being aero my back seems to be tightening more. 22 miles, anybody can fake 22 miles right?
my truck drives by and there is more cheering. i'd see them once more in a couple miles as i turn onto the bike path. which would turn out to be quite torturous. it's good to hear them cheering me on, and see them.
as i come onto the bike path, a relay rider passes me, only the 3rd rider i know of that has gone by me. here come the 3 sisters (short steep climbs that can really kill your quads). i'm not looking forward to this, back spasms are making it hard to push the pedals. the first isn't so bad, i spend a lot of time standing in the pedals and get through all 3. mile 95 greets me at the top of the 3rd. the remaining section of bike path is roughly 7 miles of undulating and twisty sections with a strong head wind. many people would comment on how brutal that section was. my back is incredibly painful now, and keeps protesting more and more.
the past 2 years i've succumbed to the pain, gotten off my bike and stretched. this year i resolve not to do it, i'm staying on the bike into T2. mile 100 comes, and i know i'm almost off the bike path, 12 miles, 40 minutes left then i get to run. my legs are starting to become very tired, only a few climbs left, and some fast descents. i enjoy these, trying to take the opportunity to stretch my back and rest my legs. mile 105, i finish the last of my nutrition, over the course of the bike i take in 2000 calories in liquid form, 2 gels (roughly 300 calories), and 2 bananas, somewhere around 2500 calories, right around what i expected. i likely could have squeezed in a couple more, but i wasn't in too much of a deficit. bike split: 6:19:39
i get into T2, put on my shoes and socks. Dave Scott is in there, he looks right at me and asks how the ride went. i inform him it was pretty solid, but i have some serious issues with my back right now, i probably need to consider my fit, especially for this race. i ask him how his day is going. he chuckles, shakes his head, and says we'll talk about it after the run. fair enough. i'm off to start the fun part of the day.
i come out feeling pretty strong, my back no longer bothers me, and my legs are doing all right. then again, the first 1.3 miles are downhill, then the climbing starts. i keep conservative going over several things in my head: - when it feels good, go with it, - it's a long day, don't go out too hard; - the race starts at mile 10 of the marathon; - i'm a runner, this is where the pleasure of all those 50k's comes in and pays dividends.
i keep things moving pretty well, but not too fast, i don't want to explode. grabbing water on odd miles and gatorade on even miles. i take a couple thermolytes to make sure things keep moving, and a motivator (come caffeine and herb pill). my pace is pretty good, i'm making up time, passing people. feeling strong. at mile 3 i stop for a bathroom break.
around mile 5 i grab some pretzels and gatorade. eat a bit of gel. things feel good, steady pace keep the feet moving. now the fun starts. i get to the dirt connector around mile 7, i've never seen this in the daylight, it's a great sight, i'm happy to have the opportunity to see what it looks like through here when it's light. up and to the turn around, and coming back through i see the first of Daniel, since the bike. he is about 2 miles behind me, we exchange some encouragement. a mile later i see victor again, he comments on how strong my run looks, i wish him well and offer encouragement.
around this point, the lead women passes me, she is running strong, i try to hold on to her for a bit, but decide it's best if i sit back and save some for the 2nd loop. at mile 11, i see my mom cheering me on and wishing me well. i'm still feeling good through the 1/2 way point. and it's still light.
around mile 14, things get tough, i take a bathroom break. ok, back to running, my head is starting to spin, i need to start taking in nutrition, more gel, 1 orange slice at the next aid station. not really working, i walk briefly then attempt to run again, am reduced to a walk again. this happens 4 or 5 times before i decide there shall be no more walking. mile 17, i see the sign and that's where i run from. more gel, more gatorade, a banana, gotta get some energy back in me. some thermolytes, no more motivators.
i shuffle my way up through mile 20, it's time to push the pace and see how much those 50k's really help. several people at the aid stations recognize me, and remind me, this is my last time past here, the finish is coming. the turn around and mile 21. Daniel and i pass again, a couple aid stations, and then i see victor again. at this point, i'm digging so deep, i can't form words. speaking isn't an option.
mile 22, 1 small uphill, 3 miles of downhill, and a medium climb back up, then the finish. it's time to let things go and see how much i can really hurt. my legs have been burning for several miles at this point, and i'm exhausted, but there is always something left. so i go harder. the last 2 miles are it, i dig deep, and go hard, i must be doing 7 - 7:30 minute miles at this point. including the climb back up to the jogging path. down the path, i can hear the finish line, i can see the lights, i know i am close, i push harder.
as i approach the end of the jogging path i see the 26 mile sign. i push harder, slight downhill, into the last turn, and i can see the finishers chute, nobody behind me, nobody in front. i go harder, and give it the last of what i have. i cross the line and am drained. run split: 4:18:36. total race time: 11:56:09
i get a finishers medal, they take my timing chip, and i hug my cheering section. grab my t-shirt. the day is complete, now it's time for food and massage. thanks to mom, Tracy, Shania, and Carine for getting me food, my clothes, drink, and being there to help me through some tough sections.
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