headed down to transition area around 5:30, put my nutrition on the bike checked tire pressure, finalized preparations and made a couple bathroom stops before making my way down to the swim entrance.
The gun went off, and the day's effort was underway. I put in a fair effort for a few hundred meters to work my way up towards the front of the pack and avoid much of the chaos. I found a set of feet, and settled in for a draft at a good comfortable pace. The swim was fairly open, and I found myself bridging up to a faster set of feet on 3 occasions, primarily at turn buoys. I’d make a surge, get to the new set of feet and settle down to allow myself to come back to race effort. I came out of the water feeling pretty fresh and anxious to get on the bike had a minor delay with the wetsuit stripper. gathered my things, and heard mike “you had your best swim yet, time to get to the bike and race smart. SWIM 1:00:26 (1:33/100m) my fastest swim yet at this distance and fastest pace for any triathlon swim over 1 mile.
Transition went well, nothing spectacular, my standard in the tent shoes, sunglasses, helmet, race belt, sunscreen, off to the bike and pedaling. T1 0:02:45
The plan for the bike is to sit back and let things unfold until the turnaround. The ride after the turnaround is more difficult, and provides a good opportunity to make up time. Between miles 5 and 10 1 rider went cruising by, the only rider to pass me while I was riding the entire day. I was feeling good, and doing well at following my plan, lots of calories a good amount of water, and a comfortably solid pace. At mile 45 I saw the first riders heading back from the turnaround, putting them roughly 10 miles ahead of me. I believe there were 10 or 12 riders in front of me at the turn around, and the hunting began.
By the special needs station at mile 53 I had passed 1 rider, and had 2 more not too far ahead. By mile 60 I passed another couple of cyclists, and had 2 more I was pursuing. At mile 70 the course gets pretty fast, and I took an opportunity to rest a bit and enjoy the easy pedaling downhill. Around mile 85 my confidence took a hit, I broke my chain.
At least I’m close to the top of a climb, and not too far from the next aid station (just past mile 90). I picked up the broken chain put it in my pocket, and walked my bike to the crest of the climb. Remounting the bike, I coasted down the hill and as far up the last climb out of the park as gravity allowed. There was roughly 1 mile to the aid station, I began walking. Other riders asked if I needed anything, but none had a chain tool or chain, so I was on my own.
A spectator gave me a ride to the remaining mile to the next aid station. They were extremely helpful in helping me find a chain, the bad part is it took some time. I waited around long enough to find out the support vehicle had neither chain nor chain tools. It was now 1pm, I had until 3pm to get to the bike path before the cutoff, and my race was over. After some time, I decided I’d have to go back to where I was picked up and cover the distance back to the aid station under my own power. Might as well do it while the folks at the aid station where trying to locate a chain for me.
I began the journey back to where I was picked up. The good news is it was downhill, so I was able to coast my bike down. the bad news is that meant running back up the hill with my bike in tow, and either cycling shoes, or bare feet. I opted for bare feet, and jogged the remaining distance out of the park and to the aid station. The time was now 2pm, and still no chain. Race support had found a chain tool, and I started to try and re-use my broken chain in hopes I’d be able to limp the remaining miles on it to T2. After several failed attempts, I thought it’s best to wait for the new chain to arrive, as if the chain breaks, I’ll be several miles from any opportunity for assistance. One of the volunteers had a friend that was buying a chain and chain tool so I could continue my race. I sat around waiting, handed out water and gatorade to riders, and ate and drank.
Finally the chain and tool arrived, I installed the new chain, and quickly sped off, I’m not sure what time it was, but know it had to be getting close to 3. I quickly realized I was unable to get in the big ring. After a quick evaluation, I determined it would be beneficial to turn around go back to the aid station and adjust the front derailleur so I had access to the big ring. with that done, I was back on my way.
the remaining 22 miles went without hitch and I was into T2 around 3:40. Bike 7:37:01 (14.9 mph), approximately 8:40 into the race. For every up there is a down, this is my slowest bike split for any distance triathlon.
Transition 2 was a bit of a task, I was pretty disappointed with the whole bike scenario, and contemplated calling it a day. I would have, except you always have to start the next section and see how things go, the good news is there is relatively few mechanical issues you can have on the run. T2 -???
The run turned out to be a problem, no running legs, the ups seemed far steeper then they were, and the descents far slower than I typically enjoy. It would be 13 miles and nearly 2.5 hours before I saw anybody from pulse. They had all gathered and were waiting just past special needs to cheer me on. I was in no mood for cheering. When I saw them, I threw my nutrition and sunglasses and continued through. It was now 11 hours into the race. I got some food in me at the next aid station and proceeded to walk entirely too much. At mile 15, it became evident that I wasn’t enjoying this, and really didn’t want to be out here anymore. At mile 19, I proceeded to walk through the turn and towards the finishing area. I was done, my mood was sour, I was hungry, and not interested in the 2+ hours I would likely have used to finish the “run”. It was a little after 7pm when I handed over my race number and succumbed to the “toughest course in north america”. The irony lay in the fact that it was by far the best weather conditions the event has seen since its inception in 2005.
Not my best showing, I am still having trouble with the fact that I dropped out. that makes my last 2 events DNF numbers 3 and 4. back to the drawing board, I have exactly 2 months until I go to new zealand and have another go at figuring out the full distance triathlon.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Mission Bay Tri
Running needs to become a priority. If i repeat i enough times, hopefully i'll actually believe it and make it so. I showed up early, set up transition and began wandering around transition.
It was good to see all the faces of the PULSE Mission Bay Training Group wandering around, some nervous, some tired, all smiling and excited. Everybody would have a great day.
Swim (500m)
i lined up by some fast swimmers and figured i'd go for it from the get go today and see what happens. I managed to hold onto the first set of feet for 20meters or so before i was off the back. Another set of feet wasn't too far off, so i made an effort, bridged the gap and would sit there for the majority of the swim. I pushed a solid effort, and before i realized i was approaching the final turn and last 100 meters of the swim. I was breathing hard, and the effort was evident.
a quick run up and through the transtion area, Mike Kelley is just getting ready to head out on the bike. I had some issues in transition, taking the wetsuit off, putting cycling shoes on, sunglasses, helmet, race belt. ready to go. slightly slow, but done nonetheless.
Bike (15km)
Being the 4th wave off, there is a long line of carrots up ahead, time to start catching up. Bike feels good initially, legs complained a bit going over the first overpass, and i responded appropriately - shift to a harder gear. It usually takes a bit of a hard effort before my legs start to come around. I wiggle through the sea world parking lot enjoying the turns and accelerations and am spit out onto the faster section of the course.
Another gear up, and more speed. It takes me almost 4 miles to catch Mike Kelley, but if happens, i reach over and give him a "good game" slap, this time i'm able to keep everything and don't miss a bit on the bike. Fiesta island is fast and i'm enjoying pushing a big gear, then i come around the back side and get a bit of a headwind, things slow a bit, but continue on. To this point i've passed 3 or 4 guys in my division.
My legs start to feel a bit better and are going well, 3 miles left, some wigglies, the overpass, and then coast down into transition 2. I pass Kariem, he's smiling and having a blast. In August when he got his bike and decided to get healthy, he was having trouble riding 4 miles from home to work, he ran a mile as fast as he could, it took him 13 minutes, just over 2 months later, he's completed his 1st tri, i'm pretty sure he averaged better than 12 minute miles for 3.1 miles, he's lost 30 pounds and is excited to continue with his new found lifestyle.
I pass 1 more guy in my division in the last 1/2 mile of the bike. I dismount, get caught behind a guy at the dismount line, and am into T2.
This goes much more smoothly, I get off the bike, rack it, drop my helmet slip into my shoes, and am off. I know there is at least 1 runner coming for me, no time to waste.
Run (5km)
I start out pretty good, a little conservative, just because i'm not sure how my legs are going to respond to a fast effort, it's been a while since i did any speedwork, and i haven't run in almost 2 weeks.
legs feel ok, so i pick it up a bit, there are still a good number of people in front of me, so i start picking them off. I run by a couple people i know, and exchange a quick hello. Just over 1 mile into the run, i see Victor coming the other way, that's good, he started 5 minutes ahead of me. Then i come around the corner and see i've still got a bit of running to do to get up to where i saw Victor. I also get a chance to look back and see the orange jersey, i passed at the end of the bike, running steadily behind me, even closing a bit.
Lovely, it hurts, and now i get to run a bit harder. the good news is this was the easiest portion of the race. there are a couple more little turns and wiggles that offer me an opportunity to get a status check on the orange jersey, he's hanging right there about 20 seconds back. I push pretty good over the overpass, after this, it's downhill, i let it go a bit, he's still holding steady.
coming around to the final climb up, if i can get to the top of this last overpass before the orange jersey, i can likely hold him off through the finish. There's no looking back, just running now. I get to the top, and let gravity take me back down to the final 0.1 miles. Time to pick up the pace, my legs turn over a bit quicker, and threaten to give out, even get a bit soft on a couple steps. I can see the finish chute, and know it's time to start racing. Again i quicken and go see how long i can hold this.
I cross the line with the orange jersey behind me. turns out he was 10 seconds behind me. He definitely made me run hard.
I had a good time, and was able to see many of the PULSE Mission Bay Triathlon Training group come across the line. All but 1 of the participants started and finished the triathlon. That 1 particant was extremely sick the week or so leading up to the triathlon. Another of the participants was diagnosed with thyroid cancer less than a week before the triathlon. She decided to come out and participate regardless. She finished and was extremely pleased with her accomplishment on the day.
We gathered at the PULSE tent and exchanged stories about how much fun it was and how everybody felt and their thoughts. It was a good start to a good day.
It was good to see all the faces of the PULSE Mission Bay Training Group wandering around, some nervous, some tired, all smiling and excited. Everybody would have a great day.
Swim (500m)
i lined up by some fast swimmers and figured i'd go for it from the get go today and see what happens. I managed to hold onto the first set of feet for 20meters or so before i was off the back. Another set of feet wasn't too far off, so i made an effort, bridged the gap and would sit there for the majority of the swim. I pushed a solid effort, and before i realized i was approaching the final turn and last 100 meters of the swim. I was breathing hard, and the effort was evident.
a quick run up and through the transtion area, Mike Kelley is just getting ready to head out on the bike. I had some issues in transition, taking the wetsuit off, putting cycling shoes on, sunglasses, helmet, race belt. ready to go. slightly slow, but done nonetheless.
Bike (15km)
Being the 4th wave off, there is a long line of carrots up ahead, time to start catching up. Bike feels good initially, legs complained a bit going over the first overpass, and i responded appropriately - shift to a harder gear. It usually takes a bit of a hard effort before my legs start to come around. I wiggle through the sea world parking lot enjoying the turns and accelerations and am spit out onto the faster section of the course.
Another gear up, and more speed. It takes me almost 4 miles to catch Mike Kelley, but if happens, i reach over and give him a "good game" slap, this time i'm able to keep everything and don't miss a bit on the bike. Fiesta island is fast and i'm enjoying pushing a big gear, then i come around the back side and get a bit of a headwind, things slow a bit, but continue on. To this point i've passed 3 or 4 guys in my division.
My legs start to feel a bit better and are going well, 3 miles left, some wigglies, the overpass, and then coast down into transition 2. I pass Kariem, he's smiling and having a blast. In August when he got his bike and decided to get healthy, he was having trouble riding 4 miles from home to work, he ran a mile as fast as he could, it took him 13 minutes, just over 2 months later, he's completed his 1st tri, i'm pretty sure he averaged better than 12 minute miles for 3.1 miles, he's lost 30 pounds and is excited to continue with his new found lifestyle.
I pass 1 more guy in my division in the last 1/2 mile of the bike. I dismount, get caught behind a guy at the dismount line, and am into T2.
This goes much more smoothly, I get off the bike, rack it, drop my helmet slip into my shoes, and am off. I know there is at least 1 runner coming for me, no time to waste.
Run (5km)
I start out pretty good, a little conservative, just because i'm not sure how my legs are going to respond to a fast effort, it's been a while since i did any speedwork, and i haven't run in almost 2 weeks.
legs feel ok, so i pick it up a bit, there are still a good number of people in front of me, so i start picking them off. I run by a couple people i know, and exchange a quick hello. Just over 1 mile into the run, i see Victor coming the other way, that's good, he started 5 minutes ahead of me. Then i come around the corner and see i've still got a bit of running to do to get up to where i saw Victor. I also get a chance to look back and see the orange jersey, i passed at the end of the bike, running steadily behind me, even closing a bit.
Lovely, it hurts, and now i get to run a bit harder. the good news is this was the easiest portion of the race. there are a couple more little turns and wiggles that offer me an opportunity to get a status check on the orange jersey, he's hanging right there about 20 seconds back. I push pretty good over the overpass, after this, it's downhill, i let it go a bit, he's still holding steady.
coming around to the final climb up, if i can get to the top of this last overpass before the orange jersey, i can likely hold him off through the finish. There's no looking back, just running now. I get to the top, and let gravity take me back down to the final 0.1 miles. Time to pick up the pace, my legs turn over a bit quicker, and threaten to give out, even get a bit soft on a couple steps. I can see the finish chute, and know it's time to start racing. Again i quicken and go see how long i can hold this.
I cross the line with the orange jersey behind me. turns out he was 10 seconds behind me. He definitely made me run hard.
I had a good time, and was able to see many of the PULSE Mission Bay Triathlon Training group come across the line. All but 1 of the participants started and finished the triathlon. That 1 particant was extremely sick the week or so leading up to the triathlon. Another of the participants was diagnosed with thyroid cancer less than a week before the triathlon. She decided to come out and participate regardless. She finished and was extremely pleased with her accomplishment on the day.
We gathered at the PULSE tent and exchanged stories about how much fun it was and how everybody felt and their thoughts. It was a good start to a good day.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Iroquois Trails 100 (i mean 50)
An interesting day in my experiment to find my running legs, and see what it's like to be a professional athlete, traveling all over to race.
I got up early, Melissa and Phil drove me to the start. The good news is the weather was a bit warmer than it had been the previous nights, so i was ok with long sleeves, a hat, and gloves.
Run started at 5am, and was a nice comfortable start. My legs felt pretty good to start out. it's an easy flat mile, then about 1/2 mile climb to the top of the ski lift, and down. I opt to take the descents slower than usual in hopes of preserving my legs. legs still feeling good as i come back into the gatherings/start area.. i get rid of the long sleeve shirt, hat, and gloves and am on my way again.
the next 6.3 mile section, this is a fun section, some technical portions with lots of tree cover before being dumped onto a road for the last mile. I'm still running conservative and enjoying it. weather is warming up, but in the tree cover, it's a bit chilly for my short sleeves and shorts. the next aid station comes fairly easily, legs still good.
the next 5.4 mile section is a good bit of fun, spending a fair amount of time in the tree coverage. no issues, food is coming in good. i feel good, the bean and cheese burritos seem to be doing the trick. this 5.4 miles takes 1:04 (11:40 min/mile). so far things are very consistent, and i'm feeling good.
time to head back towards the gathering, the same section as the previous 6.3 miles, in reverse. on the way back, it's starting to warm up, and i'm feeling pretty good, i hold a slow steady pace, hoping to conserve for the later miles.
i get another bean and cheese burrito, some roctane, refill my pockets and water, and am off again. heading out towards daisy hollow rd for the out and back. the first section is a 3.7 mile jaunt, the majority of which is spent climbing the 800 feet up to the top of the ski resort. My legs are feeling good, so i run anythign that is relatively flat, and have a good section.
i eat a little, refill my water bottle and am off again. At this point, the fatigue begins to set in. There is a good amount of downhill, which i try to run at a comfortable pace. despite how gradual the uphills are, i find myself walking. as quick as the highs come, so come the lows. i do what i can to run, but my legs are tired and beginning to rebel.
i eat some food and drink a bit, trying to get nutrition and and snap out of the slump i'm quickly sinking into. I'm slogging along at a poor impression of a shuffle, and there is no sign of reprieve to come. Things are slightly better, but that's primarily due to the course trending downhill through this section.
my dad, Phil, and Melissa are here to cheer me on and see if i need anything. i take another bean and cheese burrito, a pita and some hummus. i need something to try and get my legs moving. Things are going downhill and getting very slow. i have a few spots on my feet that are rubbing, so i get some duct tape and start wrapping my feet. Then i'm back off on my way. not really any improvement, i spend much of this section walking and when i do attempt to run, it's very slow.
quite the suprise at rockpile, Phil and Melissa have made the trek to the aid station and are waiting when i get there. more hummus and pita, bean and cheese burrito, some coke, and i'm back on my way. Still slow going and no sign of improvement.
at greek peak, i think my dad is there, Melissa, Phil, and Tracy shows up before i head out again. some coke, a little liquid and i'm back out to head down to gatherings. At this time, i feel like i'm making good time, and seem to be running fairly well. Then again it is pretty much downhill. i get into gatherings and am greeted by Phil, Melissa, and Tracy. i get some food and lay down. it's time to take inventory, i just ran the down from greek peak, far more downhill than climbing, and i held a 12:25 pace, just 25 miles earlier i ran the route in reverse (a much more challenging route, and held an 11:21 pace). my legs are tired, i'm walking a lot. my intention is to come out and become a better runner. if i'm not running, i'm not going to get better at it. walking doesn't make a good runner.
i opt to drop from the run. i lay there for a while before heading back to the hotel and showering. Then it's back home, still in time for dinner. See how things go in a couple weeks at mission bay triathlon.
I got up early, Melissa and Phil drove me to the start. The good news is the weather was a bit warmer than it had been the previous nights, so i was ok with long sleeves, a hat, and gloves.
Run started at 5am, and was a nice comfortable start. My legs felt pretty good to start out. it's an easy flat mile, then about 1/2 mile climb to the top of the ski lift, and down. I opt to take the descents slower than usual in hopes of preserving my legs. legs still feeling good as i come back into the gatherings/start area.. i get rid of the long sleeve shirt, hat, and gloves and am on my way again.
the next 6.3 mile section, this is a fun section, some technical portions with lots of tree cover before being dumped onto a road for the last mile. I'm still running conservative and enjoying it. weather is warming up, but in the tree cover, it's a bit chilly for my short sleeves and shorts. the next aid station comes fairly easily, legs still good.
the next 5.4 mile section is a good bit of fun, spending a fair amount of time in the tree coverage. no issues, food is coming in good. i feel good, the bean and cheese burritos seem to be doing the trick. this 5.4 miles takes 1:04 (11:40 min/mile). so far things are very consistent, and i'm feeling good.
time to head back towards the gathering, the same section as the previous 6.3 miles, in reverse. on the way back, it's starting to warm up, and i'm feeling pretty good, i hold a slow steady pace, hoping to conserve for the later miles.
i get another bean and cheese burrito, some roctane, refill my pockets and water, and am off again. heading out towards daisy hollow rd for the out and back. the first section is a 3.7 mile jaunt, the majority of which is spent climbing the 800 feet up to the top of the ski resort. My legs are feeling good, so i run anythign that is relatively flat, and have a good section.
i eat a little, refill my water bottle and am off again. At this point, the fatigue begins to set in. There is a good amount of downhill, which i try to run at a comfortable pace. despite how gradual the uphills are, i find myself walking. as quick as the highs come, so come the lows. i do what i can to run, but my legs are tired and beginning to rebel.
i eat some food and drink a bit, trying to get nutrition and and snap out of the slump i'm quickly sinking into. I'm slogging along at a poor impression of a shuffle, and there is no sign of reprieve to come. Things are slightly better, but that's primarily due to the course trending downhill through this section.
my dad, Phil, and Melissa are here to cheer me on and see if i need anything. i take another bean and cheese burrito, a pita and some hummus. i need something to try and get my legs moving. Things are going downhill and getting very slow. i have a few spots on my feet that are rubbing, so i get some duct tape and start wrapping my feet. Then i'm back off on my way. not really any improvement, i spend much of this section walking and when i do attempt to run, it's very slow.
quite the suprise at rockpile, Phil and Melissa have made the trek to the aid station and are waiting when i get there. more hummus and pita, bean and cheese burrito, some coke, and i'm back on my way. Still slow going and no sign of improvement.
at greek peak, i think my dad is there, Melissa, Phil, and Tracy shows up before i head out again. some coke, a little liquid and i'm back out to head down to gatherings. At this time, i feel like i'm making good time, and seem to be running fairly well. Then again it is pretty much downhill. i get into gatherings and am greeted by Phil, Melissa, and Tracy. i get some food and lay down. it's time to take inventory, i just ran the down from greek peak, far more downhill than climbing, and i held a 12:25 pace, just 25 miles earlier i ran the route in reverse (a much more challenging route, and held an 11:21 pace). my legs are tired, i'm walking a lot. my intention is to come out and become a better runner. if i'm not running, i'm not going to get better at it. walking doesn't make a good runner.
i opt to drop from the run. i lay there for a while before heading back to the hotel and showering. Then it's back home, still in time for dinner. See how things go in a couple weeks at mission bay triathlon.
AS# | Aid Station | Section Mileage | Overall Mileage | Section Time | Overall Time | Section Pace | Overall Pace |
1 | Gatherings | 5.7 | 5.7 | 01:05 | 01:05 | 11:24 | 11:24 |
2 | Pipeline Rd | 6.3 | 12.0 | 01:14 | 02:19 | 11:44 | 11:34 |
3 | Pipeline Rd | 5.4 | 17.4 | 01:04 | 03:23 | 11:51 | 11:40 |
4 | Gatherings | 6.3 | 23.7 | 01:18 | 04:41 | 12:22 | 11:51 |
5 | Greek Peak | 3.7 | 27.4 | 00:42 | 05:23 | 11:21 | 11:47 |
6 | Rock Pile | 4.3 | 31.7 | 01:11 | 06:34 | 16:30 | 12:25 |
7 | Daisy Hollow | 5.2 | 36.9 | 01:15 | 07:49 | 14:25 | 12:42 |
8 | Rock Pile | 5.2 | 42.1 | 01:34 | 09:23 | 18:04 | 13:22 |
9 | Greek Peak | 4.3 | 46.4 | 01:17 | 10:40 | 17:54 | 13:47 |
10 | Gatherings | 3.7 | 50.1 | 00:46 | 11:26 | 12:25 | 13:41 |
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
IM Wisconsin
headed down to transition area around 4:30, put my nutrition on the bike checked tire pressure, finalized preparations and made a couple bathroom stops before making my way down to the swim entrance.
Sara's family was out to support her, and i would ride her skirt tails in and enjoy their cheers of encouragement as well. got in the water around 6:55, and made my way towards the front a bit wide.
The gun went off, and the day's effort was underway. I put in a fair effort for a few hundred meters to work my way up towards the front of the pack and avoid much of the chaos. I settled into a good comfortable pace. The swim was fairly open, not much to mention, very little of the typical ironman battling. I wasn't able to find a pair of feet at all during the first lap. On the second loop i was able to find a pair of feet and enjoyed the benefit of the draft. On a couple of occassions i bridged up to a faster pair of feet. I came out of the water feeling pretty fresh and anxious to get on the bike and see how my back and leg where going to hold up. b pretty typical swim for me.
Transition in Wisconsin is entertaining, we exit the water, run ~150 yards, then proceed up 3 stories on the car ramp to the changing area and bikes. I jogged comfortably up the ramp and into the changing area, put my shoes on, sunscreen, helmet, race number, and off to find my bike. T1 0:6:13
The plan for the bike is to sit back, and hope to avoid the tightness and cramping i had in Canada. Things started out ok, not too crowded, a couple groups of cyclists which i proceeded to work up through. I had just over 2000 calories on the bike, a bit more than in Canada. The course was a suitable course, i sat up on the climbs and kept the effort to a moderate level. I could feel some tightness in my back and leg, but with the help of ibuprofen and some steady pacing i kept this from becoming too problematic. nutrition was good through mile 85 or so, then it became apparent, i was going to run low, so i began grabbing bananas from the aid stations. i heard sara's family several times on the bike course.
I slowed a bit on the 2nd loop (miles 40 - 83) and a bit more from 83 to 112. After completing the 2nd loop (mile 98ish), i made the turn back towards transition, and sat back a bit to let a couple guys ahead of me do the work. After several minutes of this, i decided i could push the pace a bit more, and passed them, i would be alone until mile 105 or so, when 2 other cyclists came around and i hung with them into T2. Bike 5:17:49 (21.14mph).
Transition 2 went pretty smoothly and quickly, we ride up the ramp again. It felt good to get off the bike, and i was ready to see what my legs had left in them. I quickly put my running shoes on, grabbed my nutrition, salt and amino tablets for the run and was out the door. T2 0:2:26
The run, will this be as miserable as 2 weeks prior? not so, i came out feeling pretty good, not going too hard, holding a steady pace with a decent effort, but not all out. I was able to hold this effort for the first 6 or 7 miles then things slowed pretty significantly. My legs got heavy, and i came close to walking a couple of times. Shortly after mile 12, i saw Sara on her way out for her 1st loop. I figured i was roughly 1 mile behind her, and should be able to make that up by mile 18 or so. Things got pretty bad for a bit, i was tempted to walk, and actually did for 10 or 20 yards a couple of times before pushing through it. After getting more food in, and a couple bathroom breaks, i was able to pick up the effort again, and again saw Sara on her way back from one of the out and back's (this is around mile 21).
I decided it's time to go, just over 4 miles to catch her, i quickened my pace, short quick steps, easy gear, 4 miles, just ofer 6km, i can do this. After about 1 mile, i caught another glimpse of Sara, she was definitely closer, so i put in a little extra effort, i caught her between miles 23 and 24 for me. At this point i ran with her for a bit, we walked through the aid station and continued walking to the next aid station. She opted to take a bathroom break, so i wished her well, and began my final push to the finish. Run 4:20:23 (9:56 / mile)
Not my best showing, but i'm definitely content with it under the circumstances, let see if this lights the fire again? I had a good time, and enjoyed most of the race. I was happy i had an opportuntity to run for a bit with Sara, and see her finish. a good race and good time all around.
Sara's family was out to support her, and i would ride her skirt tails in and enjoy their cheers of encouragement as well. got in the water around 6:55, and made my way towards the front a bit wide.
The gun went off, and the day's effort was underway. I put in a fair effort for a few hundred meters to work my way up towards the front of the pack and avoid much of the chaos. I settled into a good comfortable pace. The swim was fairly open, not much to mention, very little of the typical ironman battling. I wasn't able to find a pair of feet at all during the first lap. On the second loop i was able to find a pair of feet and enjoyed the benefit of the draft. On a couple of occassions i bridged up to a faster pair of feet. I came out of the water feeling pretty fresh and anxious to get on the bike and see how my back and leg where going to hold up. b pretty typical swim for me.
Transition in Wisconsin is entertaining, we exit the water, run ~150 yards, then proceed up 3 stories on the car ramp to the changing area and bikes. I jogged comfortably up the ramp and into the changing area, put my shoes on, sunscreen, helmet, race number, and off to find my bike. T1 0:6:13
The plan for the bike is to sit back, and hope to avoid the tightness and cramping i had in Canada. Things started out ok, not too crowded, a couple groups of cyclists which i proceeded to work up through. I had just over 2000 calories on the bike, a bit more than in Canada. The course was a suitable course, i sat up on the climbs and kept the effort to a moderate level. I could feel some tightness in my back and leg, but with the help of ibuprofen and some steady pacing i kept this from becoming too problematic. nutrition was good through mile 85 or so, then it became apparent, i was going to run low, so i began grabbing bananas from the aid stations. i heard sara's family several times on the bike course.
I slowed a bit on the 2nd loop (miles 40 - 83) and a bit more from 83 to 112. After completing the 2nd loop (mile 98ish), i made the turn back towards transition, and sat back a bit to let a couple guys ahead of me do the work. After several minutes of this, i decided i could push the pace a bit more, and passed them, i would be alone until mile 105 or so, when 2 other cyclists came around and i hung with them into T2. Bike 5:17:49 (21.14mph).
Transition 2 went pretty smoothly and quickly, we ride up the ramp again. It felt good to get off the bike, and i was ready to see what my legs had left in them. I quickly put my running shoes on, grabbed my nutrition, salt and amino tablets for the run and was out the door. T2 0:2:26
The run, will this be as miserable as 2 weeks prior? not so, i came out feeling pretty good, not going too hard, holding a steady pace with a decent effort, but not all out. I was able to hold this effort for the first 6 or 7 miles then things slowed pretty significantly. My legs got heavy, and i came close to walking a couple of times. Shortly after mile 12, i saw Sara on her way out for her 1st loop. I figured i was roughly 1 mile behind her, and should be able to make that up by mile 18 or so. Things got pretty bad for a bit, i was tempted to walk, and actually did for 10 or 20 yards a couple of times before pushing through it. After getting more food in, and a couple bathroom breaks, i was able to pick up the effort again, and again saw Sara on her way back from one of the out and back's (this is around mile 21).
I decided it's time to go, just over 4 miles to catch her, i quickened my pace, short quick steps, easy gear, 4 miles, just ofer 6km, i can do this. After about 1 mile, i caught another glimpse of Sara, she was definitely closer, so i put in a little extra effort, i caught her between miles 23 and 24 for me. At this point i ran with her for a bit, we walked through the aid station and continued walking to the next aid station. She opted to take a bathroom break, so i wished her well, and began my final push to the finish. Run 4:20:23 (9:56 / mile)
Not my best showing, but i'm definitely content with it under the circumstances, let see if this lights the fire again? I had a good time, and enjoyed most of the race. I was happy i had an opportuntity to run for a bit with Sara, and see her finish. a good race and good time all around.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
IM Canada
started out as a good day, clear skies, mild temperatures and the promise of some heat for the run. got up ate a little, then headed down to transition area. lined up for the swim at the front:
the 1st couple hundred meters went well, stayed out of congestion and thought i settled into a good spot, shortly thereafter several groups swam over me and put me back in my place. i found a couple more congested sections, needed to re-adjust my goggles once before the turn around. after the turn around, things went well, everything was open, i found a pair of feet, sat on them, and began feeling strong. could have pushed more and swam a little faster, next time. Swim split 1:05:02
into transition some sun screen a little vaseline and onto the bike. 1st 4 miles seemed to go very quickly, at which point i decided to hold back until the 1st climb (~45 miles into the bike). i was in a big group of people for a bit, doing some back and forth. at the base of the first climb, things opened up, my legs felt good and i rode comfortably to the top. then began picking my way up through the riders.
at 70 miles i was feeling really good, and opened it up a bit more, this was a very fast section of the course, i put in a bit of time on the other riders. shortly thereafter, at about 85 or 90 miles, things went south, what's this back tightness, oh bother, that's gonna affect the next 25ish miles.
all the work i'd done up to that point began undoing, many of the riders i went by between miles 70 and 80 would pass me in the final 20 miles of the ride.
i struggled a bit up to the top of the final climb and couldn't seem to find either a comfortable position on the bike, or any power in my legs for the final section (predominantly downhill). bike split: 5:16:56
time to see how that shapes the run up to be. into transition, re-apply sunscreen, and hope things loosen up for the run. 3/4 of a mile in, nothing good is happening today, my legs are blasted, my back is tight, and quads are cramping. i laid down for a bit and tried to wait it out, a couple spectators came by and helped me rub things out a bit, then medical comes over. i'm doing all right, just taking a break, waiting for the cramps to subside. ok, back up and time to plod along. ate pretzels, drank gatorade, and kept thinking, 25 miles is totally fakable. turns out it is, but fake is very slow. i did what i could to feign running for the rest of it, many interesting thought running through my head.
"if this was a 2 loop course, i'd drop after the first loop"
"once mike comes along, i'll grab on and hold his pace as long as i can"
"irony: wishing so hard for the last 25miles of the bike to be off that cursed contraption and onto the run. only to get to the run and find out i'm bound to be stuck in slow motion for an insufferable duration"
i even tried to pace with passing runners, knowing they were going slowly, but there wasn't anything there, my legs weren't sore, they weren't beat up, just flat, rebelling. shortly after the turn around, mike was running by my side. we laughed about both our situations, but after a couple miles, mike was unable to bear my slowness, and had to leave me behind so he could minimize his suffering (i told you my pace was insufferable). run split 5:15:46
had i known it was that slow, i would have drug it out for another minute and 10 seconds and had the same run and bike split. maybe next time.
back to the drawing board. see what comes of the next event.
the 1st couple hundred meters went well, stayed out of congestion and thought i settled into a good spot, shortly thereafter several groups swam over me and put me back in my place. i found a couple more congested sections, needed to re-adjust my goggles once before the turn around. after the turn around, things went well, everything was open, i found a pair of feet, sat on them, and began feeling strong. could have pushed more and swam a little faster, next time. Swim split 1:05:02
into transition some sun screen a little vaseline and onto the bike. 1st 4 miles seemed to go very quickly, at which point i decided to hold back until the 1st climb (~45 miles into the bike). i was in a big group of people for a bit, doing some back and forth. at the base of the first climb, things opened up, my legs felt good and i rode comfortably to the top. then began picking my way up through the riders.
at 70 miles i was feeling really good, and opened it up a bit more, this was a very fast section of the course, i put in a bit of time on the other riders. shortly thereafter, at about 85 or 90 miles, things went south, what's this back tightness, oh bother, that's gonna affect the next 25ish miles.
all the work i'd done up to that point began undoing, many of the riders i went by between miles 70 and 80 would pass me in the final 20 miles of the ride.
i struggled a bit up to the top of the final climb and couldn't seem to find either a comfortable position on the bike, or any power in my legs for the final section (predominantly downhill). bike split: 5:16:56
time to see how that shapes the run up to be. into transition, re-apply sunscreen, and hope things loosen up for the run. 3/4 of a mile in, nothing good is happening today, my legs are blasted, my back is tight, and quads are cramping. i laid down for a bit and tried to wait it out, a couple spectators came by and helped me rub things out a bit, then medical comes over. i'm doing all right, just taking a break, waiting for the cramps to subside. ok, back up and time to plod along. ate pretzels, drank gatorade, and kept thinking, 25 miles is totally fakable. turns out it is, but fake is very slow. i did what i could to feign running for the rest of it, many interesting thought running through my head.
"if this was a 2 loop course, i'd drop after the first loop"
"once mike comes along, i'll grab on and hold his pace as long as i can"
"irony: wishing so hard for the last 25miles of the bike to be off that cursed contraption and onto the run. only to get to the run and find out i'm bound to be stuck in slow motion for an insufferable duration"
i even tried to pace with passing runners, knowing they were going slowly, but there wasn't anything there, my legs weren't sore, they weren't beat up, just flat, rebelling. shortly after the turn around, mike was running by my side. we laughed about both our situations, but after a couple miles, mike was unable to bear my slowness, and had to leave me behind so he could minimize his suffering (i told you my pace was insufferable). run split 5:15:46
had i known it was that slow, i would have drug it out for another minute and 10 seconds and had the same run and bike split. maybe next time.
back to the drawing board. see what comes of the next event.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Imperial Beach Tri
all in all the day was a successful stepping stone and confidence builder for canada. got to transition early picked out a spot near the bike out and made myself at home. Then waited around for the start. Trying new shoes, lets see how they are to get into on the bike.
The swim went well, I don’t remember a lot about it except I spent a lot of time going wide on the course, felt relatively comfortable the entire time and smooth. The one memorable moment, on my way in, I was picked up by a wave and dropped over the falls, nothing like a good spin cycle to get you ready to do some hard cycling. Looking up the beach, I see Mike Kelley, a typically strong swimmer, so I chase him up the beach and into transition. Swim split 0:9:44
Had a slow transition, some issues getting my wetsuit off, and too stubborn to sit down to take the suit off, lesson learned, wetsuit strippers are the way to go. Sunglasses, helmet, bike, onto the good stuff.
Got on the bike, and started my chase of mike kelley. I built some speed up to try and get into my shoes. Now let’s see how easy I can get into those fancy new shoes. Not so easy, the right one came off the pedal, luckily I was able to keep it on my foot, somewhat and keep cycling. Finally got my foot into the shoe, and a slightly easier time for the left foot. Looks like I’ll be running to the bike mount in my shoes at canada. hope that goes well.
Back to chasing down mike kelley. with both shoes on I can focus on the task at hand. it took me 1 or 2 miles, but I eventually caught him. He and J have this little tradition, everytime J catches and passes mike, he slaps him on the ass, a little “good game” gesture. Since J isn’t racing today, I figure it’s my place to keep the tradition. Mental note, it’s best to keep your hands to yourself on the bike (that’s probably why J catches mike on the run, it’s safer). I reach over and give him a good pat on my way by. Almost immediately my tire grabs and I find myself being violently re-directed to the left. Oh bother, this will be perfect, if I crash, I’ll need to peel myself off the ground and pass mike kelley again, that means another slap, and more potential for a crash. fortunately I was able to keep things upright and somewhat together. Back to cycling.
The bike went well, took a little while before I found my groove, and in the last 10k a couple other participants in my division came up to me and started the pass and slow down game. I went by them twice, the 3rd time they passed me, I was content and let them go. My legs felt good, and I was confident I’d be able to run a stronger run than either of them was up for on the day.
Shoes off (much easier than shoes on while riding) and preparing for a fast transition to make up for the earlier debacle. Not to mention if’ I’m very efficient, I can be in and out of transition before either of the 2 cyclists in front of me get onto the run course. Bike split and 2 transitions: 0:26:18
I had a good transition, both of the cyclists where in behind me getting out of transition, now to see how the run is coming. I started out very strong on the run, see if anybody felt like pushing the pace. About 1 mile into the run, I caught up to Sara, gave her a little pat, and continued charging hard. At the turn around, I could see other the 2 dropping back. Now it’s just me to push it. I pushed through the finish, felt strong coming across the line, and like I may have been able to eak out a little more speed, but not much. Run spilt 0:16:56.
looks like I’ve still got some speed in my legs, the book is closed, time to see what happens in Canada. My biggest challenge is to race smart.
The swim went well, I don’t remember a lot about it except I spent a lot of time going wide on the course, felt relatively comfortable the entire time and smooth. The one memorable moment, on my way in, I was picked up by a wave and dropped over the falls, nothing like a good spin cycle to get you ready to do some hard cycling. Looking up the beach, I see Mike Kelley, a typically strong swimmer, so I chase him up the beach and into transition. Swim split 0:9:44
Had a slow transition, some issues getting my wetsuit off, and too stubborn to sit down to take the suit off, lesson learned, wetsuit strippers are the way to go. Sunglasses, helmet, bike, onto the good stuff.
Got on the bike, and started my chase of mike kelley. I built some speed up to try and get into my shoes. Now let’s see how easy I can get into those fancy new shoes. Not so easy, the right one came off the pedal, luckily I was able to keep it on my foot, somewhat and keep cycling. Finally got my foot into the shoe, and a slightly easier time for the left foot. Looks like I’ll be running to the bike mount in my shoes at canada. hope that goes well.
Back to chasing down mike kelley. with both shoes on I can focus on the task at hand. it took me 1 or 2 miles, but I eventually caught him. He and J have this little tradition, everytime J catches and passes mike, he slaps him on the ass, a little “good game” gesture. Since J isn’t racing today, I figure it’s my place to keep the tradition. Mental note, it’s best to keep your hands to yourself on the bike (that’s probably why J catches mike on the run, it’s safer). I reach over and give him a good pat on my way by. Almost immediately my tire grabs and I find myself being violently re-directed to the left. Oh bother, this will be perfect, if I crash, I’ll need to peel myself off the ground and pass mike kelley again, that means another slap, and more potential for a crash. fortunately I was able to keep things upright and somewhat together. Back to cycling.
The bike went well, took a little while before I found my groove, and in the last 10k a couple other participants in my division came up to me and started the pass and slow down game. I went by them twice, the 3rd time they passed me, I was content and let them go. My legs felt good, and I was confident I’d be able to run a stronger run than either of them was up for on the day.
Shoes off (much easier than shoes on while riding) and preparing for a fast transition to make up for the earlier debacle. Not to mention if’ I’m very efficient, I can be in and out of transition before either of the 2 cyclists in front of me get onto the run course. Bike split and 2 transitions: 0:26:18
I had a good transition, both of the cyclists where in behind me getting out of transition, now to see how the run is coming. I started out very strong on the run, see if anybody felt like pushing the pace. About 1 mile into the run, I caught up to Sara, gave her a little pat, and continued charging hard. At the turn around, I could see other the 2 dropping back. Now it’s just me to push it. I pushed through the finish, felt strong coming across the line, and like I may have been able to eak out a little more speed, but not much. Run spilt 0:16:56.
looks like I’ve still got some speed in my legs, the book is closed, time to see what happens in Canada. My biggest challenge is to race smart.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Flagstaff barnburner - Steep learning curve.
so i regularly ride 80+ miles on my tri bike with no problems, how much worse can it be off road on a cushy mountain bike? and by the way, mountain bike fit is important, it's not so much just eh that's pretty close. maybe it is, but my eh wasn't even in the ball park.
lined up at the start, the rain has stopped, there are roughly 150 people waiting to make the 200yard run to our mountain bikes and begin the first of 4 laps (some would have 1 - 3 teammates, some owuld do it solo, and some with even more issues than i've found will do it solo on a single speed mountain bike: choose gearing wisely).
the dash to the bikes is slippery and great for clogging cleats. grab my bike and off i go. lots of kicking and cursing to clear the mud from the cleats before i can clip in.
all right this is fun, the course is fully muddied up my tires are clogged and mud is taking over the bike. i settle into a comfortable pace fully aware this will be a long day. i quickly notice the seat seems a bit low, i'll fix that after the first loop.
the plan - go easy and see what the course looks like - the reality, i rode way above my head very early, had a great lap, some good findings and managed to stay upright. the entire course was fire roads, some skinnier than others, but no real single track, 2 longish kind of steep climbs, the first comes after a fast fun downhill section, it lasts about 1.5 miles, and climbs from 7400' up to around 7900. then there is a good downhill section (dropping down to 7250' over 3 miles) through some tight turns and through a near constant rock garden, lasting about 2.5 miles. leading into the 2nd climb: 3.5 miles taking you from 7200' up to 7900'. then you get to cruise through a fast pretty simple (translation point the bike down and don't hit the brakes) downhill section: ~1mile coming down from 7900' to 7650' ish.
on the way up the first climb (roughly 13 miles into the ride), i was hungry and thirsty. luckily i was smart enough to pack all the nutrition i could possibly need for the day in my camelback. the irony: despite my dragging knuckles, my arms are not as long as a typical apes, and i can't easily access anythign in my camelback without stopping. and since i'm racing, stopping isn't really in the cards.
well, i'm going up hill, so nows a great time to try this, i manage to take my camelback off, swing it around to the front and open the pouch. i transfer several items to my jersey pockets. still haven't fallen, nor have i stopped pedalling. now i need to close it up and swing it around to the back. nothing special, works, i'm still climbing and upright. that's good.
Up to the start of the 2nd climb, i was going back and forth with some fast riders, then it dawned on me, i have 3 more of these things to do, i've ridden my moutnain bike for a total of 4 times since getting it in february, for a total of maybe 80 miles, never more than 25 miles in one sitting? perhaps it's best to sit back nad let them go.
coming into the start finish area, there 3 things i need to address, the seat must be raised, food must consumed, and transfered from my camelback to my jersey pockets. sara is there cheering me on and enjoying the sun.
i raise my seat a good 2 inches. and am back out on my way.
this was probably the most arduous loop of all. i'm back out the suns out trail is dry, my back is tight (bike fit is important), ass hurts (seat choice is important), and my legs are a bit tired. so i ease back on the pace a bit. nothing exciting on this loop, i vow to not walk any portion of the course, other than the mandated barn traversal, and keep my head down. i start thinking, how the hell do people ride like this for so damn long?
then i think back to a conversation juan and i had. i commented on needing aeorbars for my mountain bike since the course was pretty non-technical (mostly fire roads). i'm looking ahead, its nothing but dirt road, my legs are displeased, and i'm riding sittin up right, and the best part, my small chainring is innaccessible, good thing i don't need 27 gears, because i've been reduced to 18 (middle and big ring work up front, all 9 work in the rear).
click click click, wait, i have an idea, i can't pedal worth a damn right now, my back hurts, my ass hurts, and i'm used ot riding for hours on end in a tt position. f- it. here goes. i rest my elbows on the bars and start spinning a way. all of a sudden, i'm pushing into the big ring, starting to hold a decent pace. getting a good flow, legs are coming around (sort of). other than few sketchy moments on some of the washboard sections. this aero thing seems to be working (mental note, train like you race).
i do this on pretty much anything that isn't a steep climb, overly rocky, or downhill. it saves my legs a bit, helps my ass and back and keeps me going. this loop, i'm eating and drinking regularly. i'm figuring out on long stuff, if you don't have it in you, or you get that feeling that it's justnot there, i start eating and drinking. everytime i've started this, within 20 - 30 minutes, i feel things come back around.
by now the trail is dry, the sun is coming out, and i'm making my way over the 2nd climb and back into the start finish again.
another pleasant greeting by sara. this time i've got 2 thigns to address: raise the seat (yep, 2 inches wasn't enough), raised it close to another 1". more food in my belly, the juggling of food from my camelback to my jersey pockets. get this damn long sleeved thermo shirt off so i can stop sweating so excessively. and i'm off. sara mentions 1/2 way there, i hang my head, chuckle, and respond, might be a bit more than 1/2 way depending on how thigns go this round. it's now 11:11, that leaves me 4:49 until cut-off, the 1st 2 loops were done in 4:11, should be ok for the 9 hour mark.
more thinking, mmm, there's an interesting concept, the end of the transition/handoff area is stocked wiht coolers and all sorts of crap from other people doing the solo ride.
yoou mean i odn't have to carry everything with me on every loop? sometimes i really believe i'm dumb as a gorilla (probably dumber, when was the last time you saw a gorilla pack food for a long trip?). damn even a gorilla knows you can restock food periodically. oh well, shite, i haven't refilled my camelback since starting, how long has it been, how much fluid does it hold 100 oz, times 4 divided by 3. i ran out of fingers. did i mention my feet hurt now too? these 8 year old shoes are in need of replacement.
back to the liquid math. so 100 oz is 4 water bottles, just over 4 hours at elevation i should probably drink more than 1 bottle an hour, but i'm feeling ok and still have some left. there is a self service aid station at around mile 10 which i will stop and restock - gatorade/water and powerbars/gels.
i get there, grab 2 power bars (these things are pretty tasty after sufficient warming), 2 gels, fill my camelback with gatorade and water (which i still haven't emptied yet) and am on my way.
i soon catch up to another rider (doing the solo single speed). i manage to pick the 1 tight spot in this 3 mile descent to try and squeeze by. of course i don't bother mentioning my intentions, as my front wheel is passing his seat, i see we are choosing the same line. big rock to my left, big single speed rider to my right. oh yeah, this has ground in dirt goodness written all over it.
i try to squeeze left without hitting the rock, then realize though we aren't physically touching, there is a lot of overlap on our bars. ooooh f--- bars touch riders go down. i'm not 100% sure what happened, but something like this is what i've figured:
our bars touched pulling me into him and him into me, my bikc went down first pulling him on top of me. i slid a bit, as did he. when the dust settled, i looked over apologized for the dumb-ass move, and asked if he was ok. he said he was all right, but was opting to just lay there for a bit. i laughed and responded likewise.
i remember crashing a lot when i first started riding mountain bikes, i don't really remember it hurting quite this much. i used to be pretty good at crashing, and avoiding potential breaks. however based on my abrasion patterns, i landed in a good fashion to break a collar bone. good thing i got that milk on the way out here. after laying around for a couple mintes, simon and i got up dusted some crap off. he asked how my bike was, i said its fine, i'll ride and see how it goes.
over the remaining 40 miles, i discovered my rear derailleur seems to have bent, and my bars twisted as a result of the crash. not too bad, i was able to ride both of them in that fashion the remaining 40+/- miles.
something happened on that crash, once i was back on the bike, there was a fire burning, and time to be made up, i took off at a good pace, and started pulling people back. simon and i traded back and forth for the rest of the loop (he would go by me on the climbs, and i'd go by him on the descents). i told you i'm a knuckle dragger, don't learn my lessons.
just starting the 1st climb, my left quad threatened something awful to cramp up and render itself useless. i off loaded a lot of the effort to my right leg and drank a bunch of gatorade. i attribute this tightness to crashing hard on that side and getting a charlie horse. it lasted through the 1st climb and most of the 2nd, then would subside and not return.
back in for the 3rd time, more food, from the camelback to my jersey pockets and back on my way. this loop felt the best, except for the donation to kaibab national forest.
all right, last go round, fake it till you make it. nows the time to see where you really want to be. i passed by simon on my way out of the solo alley (he was getting stuff from his cooler). damn i have some learning to do.
back on the trail, i came out pretty fast, and feeling pretty good. good days and bad days, high points and low points, that's what it comes down to, and managing them appropriately. i passed 3 or 4 people on the last loop and felt solid, except for a couple sections.
about 4 or 5 miles into the loop, i went by one guy, got inot my tt position and kept cranking it out. my legs seemed to take a break. what the hell? i felt sluggish, after several minutes of this, i looked back, and he was nowhere to be found. did i make a wrong turn? surely i can't be riding this strong. i kept going, just make it to the top of the what the ????
an elk ran across the road in front of me. those things are ginormous. honestly bigger than my truck.
the 1st climb, then i get a downhill and some reprieve (sort of). i eat and drink pretty regularly, am feeling pretty strong. so i keep laying it down and seeing where i'll get caught.
the last climb, ok, it's time to go, one decent effort gets me over the top, then i can relax for a bit and finish it off. i manage to get over the top and piont and go.
a speedy descent a fast turn, and 1 mile left. hooray finish line.
what i learned on saturday:
lined up at the start, the rain has stopped, there are roughly 150 people waiting to make the 200yard run to our mountain bikes and begin the first of 4 laps (some would have 1 - 3 teammates, some owuld do it solo, and some with even more issues than i've found will do it solo on a single speed mountain bike: choose gearing wisely).
the dash to the bikes is slippery and great for clogging cleats. grab my bike and off i go. lots of kicking and cursing to clear the mud from the cleats before i can clip in.
all right this is fun, the course is fully muddied up my tires are clogged and mud is taking over the bike. i settle into a comfortable pace fully aware this will be a long day. i quickly notice the seat seems a bit low, i'll fix that after the first loop.
the plan - go easy and see what the course looks like - the reality, i rode way above my head very early, had a great lap, some good findings and managed to stay upright. the entire course was fire roads, some skinnier than others, but no real single track, 2 longish kind of steep climbs, the first comes after a fast fun downhill section, it lasts about 1.5 miles, and climbs from 7400' up to around 7900. then there is a good downhill section (dropping down to 7250' over 3 miles) through some tight turns and through a near constant rock garden, lasting about 2.5 miles. leading into the 2nd climb: 3.5 miles taking you from 7200' up to 7900'. then you get to cruise through a fast pretty simple (translation point the bike down and don't hit the brakes) downhill section: ~1mile coming down from 7900' to 7650' ish.
on the way up the first climb (roughly 13 miles into the ride), i was hungry and thirsty. luckily i was smart enough to pack all the nutrition i could possibly need for the day in my camelback. the irony: despite my dragging knuckles, my arms are not as long as a typical apes, and i can't easily access anythign in my camelback without stopping. and since i'm racing, stopping isn't really in the cards.
well, i'm going up hill, so nows a great time to try this, i manage to take my camelback off, swing it around to the front and open the pouch. i transfer several items to my jersey pockets. still haven't fallen, nor have i stopped pedalling. now i need to close it up and swing it around to the back. nothing special, works, i'm still climbing and upright. that's good.
Up to the start of the 2nd climb, i was going back and forth with some fast riders, then it dawned on me, i have 3 more of these things to do, i've ridden my moutnain bike for a total of 4 times since getting it in february, for a total of maybe 80 miles, never more than 25 miles in one sitting? perhaps it's best to sit back nad let them go.
coming into the start finish area, there 3 things i need to address, the seat must be raised, food must consumed, and transfered from my camelback to my jersey pockets. sara is there cheering me on and enjoying the sun.
i raise my seat a good 2 inches. and am back out on my way.
this was probably the most arduous loop of all. i'm back out the suns out trail is dry, my back is tight (bike fit is important), ass hurts (seat choice is important), and my legs are a bit tired. so i ease back on the pace a bit. nothing exciting on this loop, i vow to not walk any portion of the course, other than the mandated barn traversal, and keep my head down. i start thinking, how the hell do people ride like this for so damn long?
then i think back to a conversation juan and i had. i commented on needing aeorbars for my mountain bike since the course was pretty non-technical (mostly fire roads). i'm looking ahead, its nothing but dirt road, my legs are displeased, and i'm riding sittin up right, and the best part, my small chainring is innaccessible, good thing i don't need 27 gears, because i've been reduced to 18 (middle and big ring work up front, all 9 work in the rear).
click click click, wait, i have an idea, i can't pedal worth a damn right now, my back hurts, my ass hurts, and i'm used ot riding for hours on end in a tt position. f- it. here goes. i rest my elbows on the bars and start spinning a way. all of a sudden, i'm pushing into the big ring, starting to hold a decent pace. getting a good flow, legs are coming around (sort of). other than few sketchy moments on some of the washboard sections. this aero thing seems to be working (mental note, train like you race).
i do this on pretty much anything that isn't a steep climb, overly rocky, or downhill. it saves my legs a bit, helps my ass and back and keeps me going. this loop, i'm eating and drinking regularly. i'm figuring out on long stuff, if you don't have it in you, or you get that feeling that it's justnot there, i start eating and drinking. everytime i've started this, within 20 - 30 minutes, i feel things come back around.
by now the trail is dry, the sun is coming out, and i'm making my way over the 2nd climb and back into the start finish again.
another pleasant greeting by sara. this time i've got 2 thigns to address: raise the seat (yep, 2 inches wasn't enough), raised it close to another 1". more food in my belly, the juggling of food from my camelback to my jersey pockets. get this damn long sleeved thermo shirt off so i can stop sweating so excessively. and i'm off. sara mentions 1/2 way there, i hang my head, chuckle, and respond, might be a bit more than 1/2 way depending on how thigns go this round. it's now 11:11, that leaves me 4:49 until cut-off, the 1st 2 loops were done in 4:11, should be ok for the 9 hour mark.
more thinking, mmm, there's an interesting concept, the end of the transition/handoff area is stocked wiht coolers and all sorts of crap from other people doing the solo ride.
yoou mean i odn't have to carry everything with me on every loop? sometimes i really believe i'm dumb as a gorilla (probably dumber, when was the last time you saw a gorilla pack food for a long trip?). damn even a gorilla knows you can restock food periodically. oh well, shite, i haven't refilled my camelback since starting, how long has it been, how much fluid does it hold 100 oz, times 4 divided by 3. i ran out of fingers. did i mention my feet hurt now too? these 8 year old shoes are in need of replacement.
back to the liquid math. so 100 oz is 4 water bottles, just over 4 hours at elevation i should probably drink more than 1 bottle an hour, but i'm feeling ok and still have some left. there is a self service aid station at around mile 10 which i will stop and restock - gatorade/water and powerbars/gels.
i get there, grab 2 power bars (these things are pretty tasty after sufficient warming), 2 gels, fill my camelback with gatorade and water (which i still haven't emptied yet) and am on my way.
i soon catch up to another rider (doing the solo single speed). i manage to pick the 1 tight spot in this 3 mile descent to try and squeeze by. of course i don't bother mentioning my intentions, as my front wheel is passing his seat, i see we are choosing the same line. big rock to my left, big single speed rider to my right. oh yeah, this has ground in dirt goodness written all over it.
i try to squeeze left without hitting the rock, then realize though we aren't physically touching, there is a lot of overlap on our bars. ooooh f--- bars touch riders go down. i'm not 100% sure what happened, but something like this is what i've figured:
our bars touched pulling me into him and him into me, my bikc went down first pulling him on top of me. i slid a bit, as did he. when the dust settled, i looked over apologized for the dumb-ass move, and asked if he was ok. he said he was all right, but was opting to just lay there for a bit. i laughed and responded likewise.
i remember crashing a lot when i first started riding mountain bikes, i don't really remember it hurting quite this much. i used to be pretty good at crashing, and avoiding potential breaks. however based on my abrasion patterns, i landed in a good fashion to break a collar bone. good thing i got that milk on the way out here. after laying around for a couple mintes, simon and i got up dusted some crap off. he asked how my bike was, i said its fine, i'll ride and see how it goes.
over the remaining 40 miles, i discovered my rear derailleur seems to have bent, and my bars twisted as a result of the crash. not too bad, i was able to ride both of them in that fashion the remaining 40+/- miles.
something happened on that crash, once i was back on the bike, there was a fire burning, and time to be made up, i took off at a good pace, and started pulling people back. simon and i traded back and forth for the rest of the loop (he would go by me on the climbs, and i'd go by him on the descents). i told you i'm a knuckle dragger, don't learn my lessons.
just starting the 1st climb, my left quad threatened something awful to cramp up and render itself useless. i off loaded a lot of the effort to my right leg and drank a bunch of gatorade. i attribute this tightness to crashing hard on that side and getting a charlie horse. it lasted through the 1st climb and most of the 2nd, then would subside and not return.
back in for the 3rd time, more food, from the camelback to my jersey pockets and back on my way. this loop felt the best, except for the donation to kaibab national forest.
all right, last go round, fake it till you make it. nows the time to see where you really want to be. i passed by simon on my way out of the solo alley (he was getting stuff from his cooler). damn i have some learning to do.
back on the trail, i came out pretty fast, and feeling pretty good. good days and bad days, high points and low points, that's what it comes down to, and managing them appropriately. i passed 3 or 4 people on the last loop and felt solid, except for a couple sections.
about 4 or 5 miles into the loop, i went by one guy, got inot my tt position and kept cranking it out. my legs seemed to take a break. what the hell? i felt sluggish, after several minutes of this, i looked back, and he was nowhere to be found. did i make a wrong turn? surely i can't be riding this strong. i kept going, just make it to the top of the what the ????
an elk ran across the road in front of me. those things are ginormous. honestly bigger than my truck.
the 1st climb, then i get a downhill and some reprieve (sort of). i eat and drink pretty regularly, am feeling pretty strong. so i keep laying it down and seeing where i'll get caught.
the last climb, ok, it's time to go, one decent effort gets me over the top, then i can relax for a bit and finish it off. i manage to get over the top and piont and go.
a speedy descent a fast turn, and 1 mile left. hooray finish line.
what i learned on saturday:
- vocalize your intentions to pass
- pass with caution and make sure you are clear
- eat and drink often
- mountain bike fit is important - i will be fit on my mountain bike
- raising the saddle alleviates pain in the front bottom of the knee.
- raising it again alleviates the same pain
- specialized epic saddle is not made for 100 miles (perhaps the gobi is)
- dirt is really good at getting under my skin.
- wearing your new jersey for your first mountain bike race is an expensive mistake.
- road/dirt rash hurts more than riding 100 miles on a shitty seat with a poor fit.
timing estimates:
loop 1 - 1:55
loop 2 - 2:26
loop 3 - 2:20
loop 4 - 2:14
TOTAL - 8:45
Flaggstaff prep work
i began writing my account of the barn burner race, and rather than double it's length, i've decided to break out the warm up story.
So it seemed like a good idea: 4 x 26 mile loops = 104 mile mountain bike race, how else would one get started racing mountain bikes? truthfully, i'm really only racing myself, that's my story, i'm sticking to it.
the plan is simple, get all my shite together, meet sara at PULSE between 2;30 and 3pm, head out by 3:30. plans are a list of things that don't happen:
got down to PULSE a little before 3pm to pick up my bikes and crap and head out to flagstaff (8 hours of driving). race packet pickup would start at 5:30 saturday morning. no problem, i get out of here by 4 and over to flagstaff by 12 call it good, still get my requisite 5 hours of sleep.
juan starts asking questions, have you ever adjusted the pressure in your shocks? you going to bring spare tubes? do you have airlock tubes (tubes with sealant for flat protection)? my answers were very simple. no, should it? juan shakes his head and continues the battery of questions how much do you weigh, you gonna pre-ride the course? you gonna leave the reflectors on your bike, and the retard guard?
since it's now past 3:30 and sara is running late, i'm distracted, and before you know it, juan is going to town on the epic: changing tubes, airing up shock pressure removing reflectors all sorts of helpful crap. including shift adjustments (who needs 27 gears??)
sweet, juan has the mountain bike handled, it will be good to go, so i switch my attention my tri bike, gotta be ready for that nice sunday ride out in the northern arizona area. it's the only logical answer based on the proximity of my knuckles and the ground.
juan finishes up rides around and advises me to pre-ride the bike before the race and take a shock pump in case anything needs to be adjusted. i might drag my knuckles, but i'm not very good at lieing, so i tell him very simply. it's almost 5, i'm giong to sit in traffic get in around midnight sleep for a few hours wake up get my shit together and ride. test riding and adjusting. not going to happen. thanks for the advise and getting my bike set up.
Got into the race venue around 1:30am. parking and camping was easy to find. set camp, curled up and went to sleep. or so i thought. i'd wind up sleeping for brief periods of time before finally waking at 4am. after laying there contemplating the rain and coming race for almost 1.5 hours, i rolled out and headed over to registration.
perfect conditions, cold, rainy, muddy, and mountain bikes, the course is primarily fire roads. how bad can it be? i'd soon find out the importance of practicing how you plan on racing. my ignorance is far greater than i thought it could be, and much of that was pointed out during my pre-race prep - aka juan shaking his head on my i don't know? answers to his questions. Juan, there's a reason my knuckles are so damned callous. (juan probably saved my ass on this one).
got my packet and crap on my bike and in my camelback, i'm ready, one more trip back to the tent to rouse sara from her slumber as she requested. she walks back over to the start line and grabs a coffee.
by now the rain has started to subside, but there is a nice layer of mud which promises for an interesting start.
So it seemed like a good idea: 4 x 26 mile loops = 104 mile mountain bike race, how else would one get started racing mountain bikes? truthfully, i'm really only racing myself, that's my story, i'm sticking to it.
the plan is simple, get all my shite together, meet sara at PULSE between 2;30 and 3pm, head out by 3:30. plans are a list of things that don't happen:
got down to PULSE a little before 3pm to pick up my bikes and crap and head out to flagstaff (8 hours of driving). race packet pickup would start at 5:30 saturday morning. no problem, i get out of here by 4 and over to flagstaff by 12 call it good, still get my requisite 5 hours of sleep.
juan starts asking questions, have you ever adjusted the pressure in your shocks? you going to bring spare tubes? do you have airlock tubes (tubes with sealant for flat protection)? my answers were very simple. no, should it? juan shakes his head and continues the battery of questions how much do you weigh, you gonna pre-ride the course? you gonna leave the reflectors on your bike, and the retard guard?
since it's now past 3:30 and sara is running late, i'm distracted, and before you know it, juan is going to town on the epic: changing tubes, airing up shock pressure removing reflectors all sorts of helpful crap. including shift adjustments (who needs 27 gears??)
sweet, juan has the mountain bike handled, it will be good to go, so i switch my attention my tri bike, gotta be ready for that nice sunday ride out in the northern arizona area. it's the only logical answer based on the proximity of my knuckles and the ground.
juan finishes up rides around and advises me to pre-ride the bike before the race and take a shock pump in case anything needs to be adjusted. i might drag my knuckles, but i'm not very good at lieing, so i tell him very simply. it's almost 5, i'm giong to sit in traffic get in around midnight sleep for a few hours wake up get my shit together and ride. test riding and adjusting. not going to happen. thanks for the advise and getting my bike set up.
Got into the race venue around 1:30am. parking and camping was easy to find. set camp, curled up and went to sleep. or so i thought. i'd wind up sleeping for brief periods of time before finally waking at 4am. after laying there contemplating the rain and coming race for almost 1.5 hours, i rolled out and headed over to registration.
perfect conditions, cold, rainy, muddy, and mountain bikes, the course is primarily fire roads. how bad can it be? i'd soon find out the importance of practicing how you plan on racing. my ignorance is far greater than i thought it could be, and much of that was pointed out during my pre-race prep - aka juan shaking his head on my i don't know? answers to his questions. Juan, there's a reason my knuckles are so damned callous. (juan probably saved my ass on this one).
got my packet and crap on my bike and in my camelback, i'm ready, one more trip back to the tent to rouse sara from her slumber as she requested. she walks back over to the start line and grabs a coffee.
by now the rain has started to subside, but there is a nice layer of mud which promises for an interesting start.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
wildflower 2009 long course
Splits Interval Time Pace
Swim 33:10.600 27:39 min/mi
T1 03:13.930
Bike 02:38:25.090 21.21 mi/hr
T2 01:01.540
Run 01:45:48.390 08:05 min/mi
another fitness guage completed, and a test to see how my leg is holding up. All in all, my day was pretty good. it started with a quick snack, bagel with peanut butter, ensure, and banana gather up the gear and head down to set up transition.
the swim was a very easy effort, i just don't have any extra gears on the swim these days, i find a pair of feet, sit in on them and cruise along comfortably. i'm going to have to admit that i am apparently retired from racing the swim. the good news is i'll be taking a hiatus from running, so i'll have to replace those miles with swim time and bring myself back to racing the swim. the last 2 - 300 hundred meters of the swim i pushed a bit harder and came out of the water feeling ready for a nice bike session. swim split: 33:10
transition was a bit slower than i'd like, i ran down the wrong row (that's what i get for making fun of mike for doing it 2 years back), i struggled slightly getting my wetsuit off then grabbed the necessary items and was off on the bike. t1: 3:13
once out of the transition area and clear of the mount line, i hopped on my bike, as i began pedaling, my right shoe came off. stop, turn around go back and get my shoe. put it back on, back on the bike, and now i can start pedaling again. mental note, it's time to replace the cleats, and perhaps shoes, they've gotten much more life then they were made to withstand.
once i got things back in order, it was off to the races, i get all caught up in the excitement of being on the bike, and take off very quickly. the first climb was a reality check, once i got there i chose a new strategy, sit up and spin easy up the climb. the jury is still out on this one. still not sure if i sure push a little harder up the climbs or spin a little more, there's time to figure it out.
once at the top of the first climb, i settled into a comfortable pace, not pushing too hard just moving and giving my legs time to come around. within 5 miles of getting on the bike, my stomach was unhappy, that gave me something to ponder for the next 20 miles. i had been sipping on a gatorade carbopro concoction, but it wasn't overly dense, or anythign else that should have caused stomach issues. i switched to water and spent a good amount of time thinking, i should be drinking the carbopro, but not doing it.
at the aid stations i was grabbing a water bottle, drinking as much water as i could before i was through and dumping the bottle. after the aid station at mile 27, i grabbed a banana and water, at the banana and decided it was time to either clear my stomach out or twist it up good and tight, so i shifted to a harder gear, increased my cadence, and began powering through the last 1/2 of the bike course.
my stomach gave up and decided to cooperate, so i was off to the races, it was time to put in some hard miles so i wouldn't be tempted to race the run (this was to be my 3rd run, and only my first over 2 miles in almost 3 weeks, as i have some shin issues i'm working through).
at mile 37 i caught the first of several elite women, it's always fun to catch the pro's, even if they are having a bad day. i powered through the climbs pretty well, and managed to burn my legs out a bit. the last mile of the ride goes through a very fun wiggly descent, which i love. i tucked in and enjoyed the speedy descent. i took in roughly 900 calories on the bike. bike split: 2:38:25
got into t2 went down the correct row this time, racked my back, put on my racing flats, and took off at a very conservative pace. t2: 1:01
for the first mile or 2, i heard footsteps behind me and kept thinking, if you want to do well, you will have to pass me, i'm not racing, i'm just testing the waters on this run. i was more than content to shuffle along at a comfortable training pace and see how my shin felt. there were a couple twinges along the way, mostly on the descents. then just after mile 4, there is a good little climb which lasts a mile give or take.
i was in for a suprise, my right achilles began niggling. what the? this hasn't been a factor in 10 months, why now, am i compensating so much for the left shin? i slowed to a walk began contemplating my options and moving forward. as i neared the 1/2 way point i figured it was all in my head, i'm just going to jog up the hill and see where i'm at when i get to the bottom on the other side.
at the bottom, i decided it was time to pick up the pace and see how my leg was really doing, the quicker i get done running the better it is for me right?? so i picked up the pace, still not quite racing, but going pretty good to see how things felt.
the rest of the run went well, the last mile is the same descent which i enjoyed so much on the bike, and typically love running down. not today though, i new i'd be in for a slow descent, and would be forced to watch people run by me as i limped along trying not to aggravate my shin.
the run wasn't too bad under the circumstances, my leg felt good, a couple twinges but promise that it's on the way to better. i ate 1 gel, and drank pretty sparingly, maybe 3 or 4 cups of gatorade, and 2 or 3 cups of water. run split: 1:45:48
a decent showing, not ideal, but there are several pieces that will get more focus over the next month. overall time 5:01:39
results are under liam their
results: http://wf09.bazumedia.com/event/WILDFLWR2009#
photos: http://www.asiorders.com/view_user_event.asp?EVENTID=47802&BIB=476
Splits Interval Time Pace
Swim 33:10.600 27:39 min/mi
T1 03:13.930
Bike 02:38:25.090 21.21 mi/hr
T2 01:01.540
Run 01:45:48.390 08:05 min/mi
another fitness guage completed, and a test to see how my leg is holding up. All in all, my day was pretty good. it started with a quick snack, bagel with peanut butter, ensure, and banana gather up the gear and head down to set up transition.
the swim was a very easy effort, i just don't have any extra gears on the swim these days, i find a pair of feet, sit in on them and cruise along comfortably. i'm going to have to admit that i am apparently retired from racing the swim. the good news is i'll be taking a hiatus from running, so i'll have to replace those miles with swim time and bring myself back to racing the swim. the last 2 - 300 hundred meters of the swim i pushed a bit harder and came out of the water feeling ready for a nice bike session. swim split: 33:10
transition was a bit slower than i'd like, i ran down the wrong row (that's what i get for making fun of mike for doing it 2 years back), i struggled slightly getting my wetsuit off then grabbed the necessary items and was off on the bike. t1: 3:13
once out of the transition area and clear of the mount line, i hopped on my bike, as i began pedaling, my right shoe came off. stop, turn around go back and get my shoe. put it back on, back on the bike, and now i can start pedaling again. mental note, it's time to replace the cleats, and perhaps shoes, they've gotten much more life then they were made to withstand.
once i got things back in order, it was off to the races, i get all caught up in the excitement of being on the bike, and take off very quickly. the first climb was a reality check, once i got there i chose a new strategy, sit up and spin easy up the climb. the jury is still out on this one. still not sure if i sure push a little harder up the climbs or spin a little more, there's time to figure it out.
once at the top of the first climb, i settled into a comfortable pace, not pushing too hard just moving and giving my legs time to come around. within 5 miles of getting on the bike, my stomach was unhappy, that gave me something to ponder for the next 20 miles. i had been sipping on a gatorade carbopro concoction, but it wasn't overly dense, or anythign else that should have caused stomach issues. i switched to water and spent a good amount of time thinking, i should be drinking the carbopro, but not doing it.
at the aid stations i was grabbing a water bottle, drinking as much water as i could before i was through and dumping the bottle. after the aid station at mile 27, i grabbed a banana and water, at the banana and decided it was time to either clear my stomach out or twist it up good and tight, so i shifted to a harder gear, increased my cadence, and began powering through the last 1/2 of the bike course.
my stomach gave up and decided to cooperate, so i was off to the races, it was time to put in some hard miles so i wouldn't be tempted to race the run (this was to be my 3rd run, and only my first over 2 miles in almost 3 weeks, as i have some shin issues i'm working through).
at mile 37 i caught the first of several elite women, it's always fun to catch the pro's, even if they are having a bad day. i powered through the climbs pretty well, and managed to burn my legs out a bit. the last mile of the ride goes through a very fun wiggly descent, which i love. i tucked in and enjoyed the speedy descent. i took in roughly 900 calories on the bike. bike split: 2:38:25
got into t2 went down the correct row this time, racked my back, put on my racing flats, and took off at a very conservative pace. t2: 1:01
for the first mile or 2, i heard footsteps behind me and kept thinking, if you want to do well, you will have to pass me, i'm not racing, i'm just testing the waters on this run. i was more than content to shuffle along at a comfortable training pace and see how my shin felt. there were a couple twinges along the way, mostly on the descents. then just after mile 4, there is a good little climb which lasts a mile give or take.
i was in for a suprise, my right achilles began niggling. what the? this hasn't been a factor in 10 months, why now, am i compensating so much for the left shin? i slowed to a walk began contemplating my options and moving forward. as i neared the 1/2 way point i figured it was all in my head, i'm just going to jog up the hill and see where i'm at when i get to the bottom on the other side.
at the bottom, i decided it was time to pick up the pace and see how my leg was really doing, the quicker i get done running the better it is for me right?? so i picked up the pace, still not quite racing, but going pretty good to see how things felt.
the rest of the run went well, the last mile is the same descent which i enjoyed so much on the bike, and typically love running down. not today though, i new i'd be in for a slow descent, and would be forced to watch people run by me as i limped along trying not to aggravate my shin.
the run wasn't too bad under the circumstances, my leg felt good, a couple twinges but promise that it's on the way to better. i ate 1 gel, and drank pretty sparingly, maybe 3 or 4 cups of gatorade, and 2 or 3 cups of water. run split: 1:45:48
a decent showing, not ideal, but there are several pieces that will get more focus over the next month. overall time 5:01:39
results are under liam their
results: http://wf09.bazumedia.com/event/WILDFLWR2009#
photos: http://www.asiorders.com/view_user_event.asp?EVENTID=47802&BIB=476
Thursday, April 9, 2009
oceanside 70.3 2009 edition
oceanisde ½ 2009 race report:
going into this one a bit differently than I have in the past. I’m going to go hard from the beginning and see if I can make it to the finish line before I detonate. combine this with fewer calories on the bike (900 as opposed to my usual 1200+) and more calories on the run (300 – 400 as opposed to my historic 100 and self detonation), and water to drink.
I woke early, got to the transition area. picked out an end spot and organized my area: bike hung by the hydrotail facing south for a quick exit, shoes clipped into the pedals. towel laid out underneath the bike. helmet by the front wheel straps outside, sunglasses inside. race belt and number in front of the helmet ready to put on. running shoes , by the rear tire.
I walk from my spot in transition to the swim exit paying attention to landmarks to locate my space. I do the same between my bike and the bike out/in. I repeat these exercises several times.
I wander around transition for a while, before sitting in the changing tent to warm up. I wait there until transition is about to close, stuff myself into my wetsuit, and get in line to wait. I’m in the final wave of the day. super, I love working my way up through all those other cyclist, and being on the run with everybody else on the course.
in the water and waiting for the start. I line up wide and in front. the gun goes off, I set out at a good pace and work my way into the center by the buoys. settled into a comfortable rhythm focusing on reaching on the stroke, now I’m looking for feet to settle in behind. no such luck. I wind up doing the swim on my own, but in a mass of people. nobody to lead the way.
before long, I’m out making the turn into the dog leg. almost half way there, and I’m feeling good, a nice relaxed long stroke still lots of gas in the tank. and now it’s time to come back. one problem, the sun is sitting low on the horizon so I can’t see much of anything. I look for the splashing and follow it. mmm is that diesel I taste, must be the fuel doc, which means I’m about 500m from the swim exit, about to start on my 2nd favorite discipline the bike.
I pick up the pace a bit, getting anxious to be on my bike and see how my legs will hold up. I’m out of the water feeling good, strip the wetsuit down to my waist during a solid run up through the maze to find my bike. run into mike kelley there, he’s just finishing getting out of his wetsuit, I sit down, yank of the remainder of my wetsuit, toss it on the rack. don my helmet, sunglasses grab my bike, and I’m off. total swim time 33min 19 secs not a stellar performance, but good for the day. transition 1 took 2min 57 seconds
run by mike kelley, time to start my pursuit of mike drury, with a solid bike, I might see him before the run, otherwise I should see him within the first 3 or 4 miles. legs feel really good on the bike, the first 20 miles go by pretty quickly, I’m making my way up through the hoards of triathletes that started in front of me, and feeling comfortable doing it. the sun is up, a little bit of wind, but nothing significant.
mile 23, and it’s time to get to the real riding. first climb, very relaxed still putting some good power to the pedals, a couple of riders went by me pretty handily, but nothing to really worry about. there’s still the ace in the hole, a nice 13 mile run to be found
along the course numerous people are cheering go pulse. it’s good to hear the encouragement. I round the corner and see the toughest of the climbs, all right, time to separate the pack a bit, this is where the real riding starts, and the digging starts.
the early part of the hill is strictly aero and relaxed about ½ way up, I decide it’s time to put a little more effort and power through the last half. so I alternate between standing and sitting up, and am soon over the top, pushing the bike up to top speed and settling in to let gravity do it’s work.
there is one more climb and the frustrating no pass zone which kills me everytime. it’s a race? how do you have a no passing zone, on a downhill??? I sit up complain to myself and wait for the end of the zone, then I am on it again, hammering away to see how my legs hold up. yep, I’m starting to feel the tiredness building in my legs. keep going, it willl pass, more calories more water. mile 50 and I’m through my allotted bike calories, and who do I come upon besides mike drury.
we chat briefly, and I’m on my way to see how quickly I can speed through the final 6 miles and get to the running. 1 last water bottle at the final aid station and I’m off to finish. there’s a good headwind on the back stretch, but I dig a little and press hard on the pedals, a rider just passed me, and I’m determined to hold him in sight until I get off the bike. hmmm, did I put too much into the climb? I don’t know, what i do know is I run well off a hard bike, so nows the time to do the damage and see where the chips are.
the final stretch in is a fast downhill with a couple 90 degree turns, I wiggle through some cyclists and am out of my shoes ready to dismount. off the bike and running to the rack: excuse me pardon me, coming through on your left. total bike split: 2:32:32 my fastest on the course so far.
rack the bike, shoes on helmet off, out to see how my legs hold up running. total transition 2 time: 1 min 20 seconds.
oh bother, the first steps on the run spell bad news, I know this feeling, and it’s not the one that ends up with a blazing run split. time to see how long I can stave of the pending detonation. I’m not ready to settle into survival mode, there are still some people I’d like to catch, and I’m willing to lay it out a bit. lovely, a bit of sand to help suck the life out of my legs. out of the sand into the first aid station, need calories and water, maybe gatorade. 1 gel, washed down with water. ok, head down lean forward, good form. steady pace, keep building, I’m dog slow on the uphills, but manage to hold a decent pace on the flats and a good effort on the descents.
some water or gatorade at every aid station, but not too much. my legs are threatening to cramp, but I’m not buying it, lets see where they give. I’m not able to push it to a faster gear, but I can hold a decent pace pretty steadily. mile 3.5 and the turn around. time to take status. i don’t remember if there are new faces coming up behind me or if those are the people I’ve been passing, nothing to do except run my race.
back through, another ½ a gel on the way back with 1 orange and a gatorade. legs are complaining, and I still can’t find my high gear. keep ticking off the miles. working my way back to the turnaround to start loop 2, lots of encouragement, I hear me name several times, little boosts, but they don’t make my legs turn over any faster. mental note, more speed work, and longer tempo runs in the coming weeks.
on the way out I see mike drury, still haven’t seen mike kelley (who I promised I’d run through with on his last loop). legs still feel like they did when I got off the bike, no speed, but no real sign of slowing. not sure what to do except keep running.
2 more uphills and I’m at the final turn around, then it’s only 3.5 miles and the glorious finish line some food and recovery then back to find mike kelley. at the final turn around I briefly entertain the thought of laying it all out for the last 3.5 miles, but that thought passes, it’s not the day for it, I’m going to maintain my cruising mode and finish with a decent run. on the way back, mike drury has joined some of the specatators for a beer and raises his can of bud light to cheer me on.
through the sand for the last time on my race and the last ½ mile now I pick up the pace hear some familiar voices that help propel me to the finish chute. final run split 1:38:18; overall time 4:48:23 just over a minute slower than my best time on this course. a good day.
I get some food and liquid then head back out to find the mikes. mike drury is escorting mike kelley, who is having a hell of a time. mike drury finished his second loop and I gave mike kelley some eoncouragement and he wound up shuffling his way through his final lap and to his first ½ ironman finish. Despite not being able to take in any nutrition since mile 30 on the bike, and severe bloating and stomach issues, he suffered through and came out a stronger wiser person for the battle. kudos mike kelley.
photos: http://www.asiorders.com/view_user_event.asp?EVENTID=45839&BIB=2611&S=230&PWD=
results: http://www.ironmancenter.com/results/results.php
going into this one a bit differently than I have in the past. I’m going to go hard from the beginning and see if I can make it to the finish line before I detonate. combine this with fewer calories on the bike (900 as opposed to my usual 1200+) and more calories on the run (300 – 400 as opposed to my historic 100 and self detonation), and water to drink.
I woke early, got to the transition area. picked out an end spot and organized my area: bike hung by the hydrotail facing south for a quick exit, shoes clipped into the pedals. towel laid out underneath the bike. helmet by the front wheel straps outside, sunglasses inside. race belt and number in front of the helmet ready to put on. running shoes , by the rear tire.
I walk from my spot in transition to the swim exit paying attention to landmarks to locate my space. I do the same between my bike and the bike out/in. I repeat these exercises several times.
I wander around transition for a while, before sitting in the changing tent to warm up. I wait there until transition is about to close, stuff myself into my wetsuit, and get in line to wait. I’m in the final wave of the day. super, I love working my way up through all those other cyclist, and being on the run with everybody else on the course.
in the water and waiting for the start. I line up wide and in front. the gun goes off, I set out at a good pace and work my way into the center by the buoys. settled into a comfortable rhythm focusing on reaching on the stroke, now I’m looking for feet to settle in behind. no such luck. I wind up doing the swim on my own, but in a mass of people. nobody to lead the way.
before long, I’m out making the turn into the dog leg. almost half way there, and I’m feeling good, a nice relaxed long stroke still lots of gas in the tank. and now it’s time to come back. one problem, the sun is sitting low on the horizon so I can’t see much of anything. I look for the splashing and follow it. mmm is that diesel I taste, must be the fuel doc, which means I’m about 500m from the swim exit, about to start on my 2nd favorite discipline the bike.
I pick up the pace a bit, getting anxious to be on my bike and see how my legs will hold up. I’m out of the water feeling good, strip the wetsuit down to my waist during a solid run up through the maze to find my bike. run into mike kelley there, he’s just finishing getting out of his wetsuit, I sit down, yank of the remainder of my wetsuit, toss it on the rack. don my helmet, sunglasses grab my bike, and I’m off. total swim time 33min 19 secs not a stellar performance, but good for the day. transition 1 took 2min 57 seconds
run by mike kelley, time to start my pursuit of mike drury, with a solid bike, I might see him before the run, otherwise I should see him within the first 3 or 4 miles. legs feel really good on the bike, the first 20 miles go by pretty quickly, I’m making my way up through the hoards of triathletes that started in front of me, and feeling comfortable doing it. the sun is up, a little bit of wind, but nothing significant.
mile 23, and it’s time to get to the real riding. first climb, very relaxed still putting some good power to the pedals, a couple of riders went by me pretty handily, but nothing to really worry about. there’s still the ace in the hole, a nice 13 mile run to be found
along the course numerous people are cheering go pulse. it’s good to hear the encouragement. I round the corner and see the toughest of the climbs, all right, time to separate the pack a bit, this is where the real riding starts, and the digging starts.
the early part of the hill is strictly aero and relaxed about ½ way up, I decide it’s time to put a little more effort and power through the last half. so I alternate between standing and sitting up, and am soon over the top, pushing the bike up to top speed and settling in to let gravity do it’s work.
there is one more climb and the frustrating no pass zone which kills me everytime. it’s a race? how do you have a no passing zone, on a downhill??? I sit up complain to myself and wait for the end of the zone, then I am on it again, hammering away to see how my legs hold up. yep, I’m starting to feel the tiredness building in my legs. keep going, it willl pass, more calories more water. mile 50 and I’m through my allotted bike calories, and who do I come upon besides mike drury.
we chat briefly, and I’m on my way to see how quickly I can speed through the final 6 miles and get to the running. 1 last water bottle at the final aid station and I’m off to finish. there’s a good headwind on the back stretch, but I dig a little and press hard on the pedals, a rider just passed me, and I’m determined to hold him in sight until I get off the bike. hmmm, did I put too much into the climb? I don’t know, what i do know is I run well off a hard bike, so nows the time to do the damage and see where the chips are.
the final stretch in is a fast downhill with a couple 90 degree turns, I wiggle through some cyclists and am out of my shoes ready to dismount. off the bike and running to the rack: excuse me pardon me, coming through on your left. total bike split: 2:32:32 my fastest on the course so far.
rack the bike, shoes on helmet off, out to see how my legs hold up running. total transition 2 time: 1 min 20 seconds.
oh bother, the first steps on the run spell bad news, I know this feeling, and it’s not the one that ends up with a blazing run split. time to see how long I can stave of the pending detonation. I’m not ready to settle into survival mode, there are still some people I’d like to catch, and I’m willing to lay it out a bit. lovely, a bit of sand to help suck the life out of my legs. out of the sand into the first aid station, need calories and water, maybe gatorade. 1 gel, washed down with water. ok, head down lean forward, good form. steady pace, keep building, I’m dog slow on the uphills, but manage to hold a decent pace on the flats and a good effort on the descents.
some water or gatorade at every aid station, but not too much. my legs are threatening to cramp, but I’m not buying it, lets see where they give. I’m not able to push it to a faster gear, but I can hold a decent pace pretty steadily. mile 3.5 and the turn around. time to take status. i don’t remember if there are new faces coming up behind me or if those are the people I’ve been passing, nothing to do except run my race.
back through, another ½ a gel on the way back with 1 orange and a gatorade. legs are complaining, and I still can’t find my high gear. keep ticking off the miles. working my way back to the turnaround to start loop 2, lots of encouragement, I hear me name several times, little boosts, but they don’t make my legs turn over any faster. mental note, more speed work, and longer tempo runs in the coming weeks.
on the way out I see mike drury, still haven’t seen mike kelley (who I promised I’d run through with on his last loop). legs still feel like they did when I got off the bike, no speed, but no real sign of slowing. not sure what to do except keep running.
2 more uphills and I’m at the final turn around, then it’s only 3.5 miles and the glorious finish line some food and recovery then back to find mike kelley. at the final turn around I briefly entertain the thought of laying it all out for the last 3.5 miles, but that thought passes, it’s not the day for it, I’m going to maintain my cruising mode and finish with a decent run. on the way back, mike drury has joined some of the specatators for a beer and raises his can of bud light to cheer me on.
through the sand for the last time on my race and the last ½ mile now I pick up the pace hear some familiar voices that help propel me to the finish chute. final run split 1:38:18; overall time 4:48:23 just over a minute slower than my best time on this course. a good day.
I get some food and liquid then head back out to find the mikes. mike drury is escorting mike kelley, who is having a hell of a time. mike drury finished his second loop and I gave mike kelley some eoncouragement and he wound up shuffling his way through his final lap and to his first ½ ironman finish. Despite not being able to take in any nutrition since mile 30 on the bike, and severe bloating and stomach issues, he suffered through and came out a stronger wiser person for the battle. kudos mike kelley.
photos: http://www.asiorders.com/view_user_event.asp?EVENTID=45839&BIB=2611&S=230&PWD=
results: http://www.ironmancenter.com/results/results.php
Friday, February 6, 2009
mission trails 15k
all right, it's been 2 weeks and i'm off to run mission trails 15k. due to some freeway closures or something along those lines, the race start is postponed for another hour and a half.
i wander around waiting to see how this day will pan out. i see a couple people i know, say hello, and continue waiting. once agian, clear skies. how do you have clear skies? wouldn't it be a clear sky? are there really multiple skies? wouldn't that be like haveing multiple earths? regardless, the sun is shining and it's beginning to warm up.
8:30 rolls around and we're off, i work my way up towards the front, hoping for a stronger run than my last go. The pace is a bit aggressive, but i figure i might as well stick around and see where things go wrong, after all, it's a short day. though there is a bit of climbing to come.
i'm feeling pretty good until about 3/4 of the way up the first climb. nice, not even 1/4 of the way and i'm walking. at least it's up hill. should have had more water, and done more hill work. perhaps in the future.
at the top, i resume the running and enjoy a good stretch of downhill to flat and some smaller climbs. i manage to miss 1 turn, but am quickly alerted by the aid station that i needed to go left instead of straight. right, why would i opt for the straight flat route, when i could turn left and climb up a stairway built into the side of the mountain? i'm sure the views are much better at the top, though my legs are tiring of all these great views.
up the stairs, and i'm still doing all right the bright side is at the top, it's all downhill from there, and i typically enjoy those more (my legs seem to be doing a lot better at absorbing the beatings imposed by downhill running, now if i can just get them to do better at climbing).
at the top i take a brief reprieve and look around a bit. yep, lots of stuff to see, back to running. the downhill is pretty sketchy, a fairly steep descent with a combination of ruts, rocks (both loose strewn about on top and solidly rooted). it's a chore to find a good anchor for each step, but i do all right for a bit. then to the last of the harrowing descents, it's hardpack dirt with a thin layer of loose sandy stuff on top, of course i get into this a bit too quickly, and do some slip an sliding action arms flailing, legs flying hoping to keep things semi upright, or at least not wind up in a ball on my way down.
after a bit of that, i'm back under some semblance of control, much speed is sacrificed for safety and desires to stay running instead of tumbling. i think it's a good trade.
onto the most fun and technical section of the course, it's probably 1 - 2 miles of tight wiggly single track with several water crossings and numerous rocks and other obstacles. i try to pick up the pace a bit, and do for a little while before slowing. a couple people pass by me, my legs protest, and i've no choice but to watch them go.
a short while later, it's the last of the run, i manage to quicken the pace a bit, and cross the finish line. sky is still blue, sun is still shining, and i'm still tired. all in all it's a good day.
i wander around waiting to see how this day will pan out. i see a couple people i know, say hello, and continue waiting. once agian, clear skies. how do you have clear skies? wouldn't it be a clear sky? are there really multiple skies? wouldn't that be like haveing multiple earths? regardless, the sun is shining and it's beginning to warm up.
8:30 rolls around and we're off, i work my way up towards the front, hoping for a stronger run than my last go. The pace is a bit aggressive, but i figure i might as well stick around and see where things go wrong, after all, it's a short day. though there is a bit of climbing to come.
i'm feeling pretty good until about 3/4 of the way up the first climb. nice, not even 1/4 of the way and i'm walking. at least it's up hill. should have had more water, and done more hill work. perhaps in the future.
at the top, i resume the running and enjoy a good stretch of downhill to flat and some smaller climbs. i manage to miss 1 turn, but am quickly alerted by the aid station that i needed to go left instead of straight. right, why would i opt for the straight flat route, when i could turn left and climb up a stairway built into the side of the mountain? i'm sure the views are much better at the top, though my legs are tiring of all these great views.
up the stairs, and i'm still doing all right the bright side is at the top, it's all downhill from there, and i typically enjoy those more (my legs seem to be doing a lot better at absorbing the beatings imposed by downhill running, now if i can just get them to do better at climbing).
at the top i take a brief reprieve and look around a bit. yep, lots of stuff to see, back to running. the downhill is pretty sketchy, a fairly steep descent with a combination of ruts, rocks (both loose strewn about on top and solidly rooted). it's a chore to find a good anchor for each step, but i do all right for a bit. then to the last of the harrowing descents, it's hardpack dirt with a thin layer of loose sandy stuff on top, of course i get into this a bit too quickly, and do some slip an sliding action arms flailing, legs flying hoping to keep things semi upright, or at least not wind up in a ball on my way down.
after a bit of that, i'm back under some semblance of control, much speed is sacrificed for safety and desires to stay running instead of tumbling. i think it's a good trade.
onto the most fun and technical section of the course, it's probably 1 - 2 miles of tight wiggly single track with several water crossings and numerous rocks and other obstacles. i try to pick up the pace a bit, and do for a little while before slowing. a couple people pass by me, my legs protest, and i've no choice but to watch them go.
a short while later, it's the last of the run, i manage to quicken the pace a bit, and cross the finish line. sky is still blue, sun is still shining, and i'm still tired. all in all it's a good day.
Avalon 50 mile benefit run
the morning started off well. got up early, had some breakfast grabbed my necessities for the day. then j and i headed down to the start.
it was still dark and a bit chilly, but that would be resolved quickly. the first 15 miles went all right, i was running fairly strong and feeling pretty good, shortly after that, i seem to have run out of jam. no more motivation, and even less energy.
i plodded through the remaining climbs, tried to run the downhills the best i could and did what i could to keep the flats moving forward. my body just wasn't having much of it. i tried eating, drinking, increasing my salt intake, and chewing on some motivators (caffeine); none of this seemed to work.
about the half way point, my legs began to protest in addition to being flat they decided it was time to hurt. at this time, my brain began asking all the wrong questions:
what am i doing?
didn't i learn the last time i did this?
perhaps it's time to stop running so far?
i think i get to the finish line and retire the long runs.
my legs protested more on this run then in any of my previous ventures. i kept plodding along, the sun was up, the sky was clear, i'd been running for 7 or 8 hours, no buffalo, just a bunch of crows and ravens. what's going on? in typical me fashion i ran the last 35 miles or so by myself, despite the fact that there were runners around, i somehow manage to pace myself in such a way that they either pass me by, or i pass them. the later in the race the more the trend goes towards the former.
through the last aid station and up to the top of the final descent, nothing but 3 miles of downhill left and i'm good. i proceeded to let my legs fly as much as i could, and tried to enjoy the views rather than allowing my mind to continue with the incessant questioning.
at the bottom, across the finish line, at this point my legs felt better than they did during my go at the run last year. i grabbed my medal and continued on to the condo for a shower and whatever shananigans j had planned for the evening.
somehow during the days run, i managed to feel far flatter than i'd ever felt, no motivation or drive, as much as i tried to run faster, my legs just wouldn't go. no explanations, no ideas, nothing, just legs that were not willing to cooperate.
back to the drawing boards.
it was still dark and a bit chilly, but that would be resolved quickly. the first 15 miles went all right, i was running fairly strong and feeling pretty good, shortly after that, i seem to have run out of jam. no more motivation, and even less energy.
i plodded through the remaining climbs, tried to run the downhills the best i could and did what i could to keep the flats moving forward. my body just wasn't having much of it. i tried eating, drinking, increasing my salt intake, and chewing on some motivators (caffeine); none of this seemed to work.
about the half way point, my legs began to protest in addition to being flat they decided it was time to hurt. at this time, my brain began asking all the wrong questions:
what am i doing?
didn't i learn the last time i did this?
perhaps it's time to stop running so far?
i think i get to the finish line and retire the long runs.
my legs protested more on this run then in any of my previous ventures. i kept plodding along, the sun was up, the sky was clear, i'd been running for 7 or 8 hours, no buffalo, just a bunch of crows and ravens. what's going on? in typical me fashion i ran the last 35 miles or so by myself, despite the fact that there were runners around, i somehow manage to pace myself in such a way that they either pass me by, or i pass them. the later in the race the more the trend goes towards the former.
through the last aid station and up to the top of the final descent, nothing but 3 miles of downhill left and i'm good. i proceeded to let my legs fly as much as i could, and tried to enjoy the views rather than allowing my mind to continue with the incessant questioning.
at the bottom, across the finish line, at this point my legs felt better than they did during my go at the run last year. i grabbed my medal and continued on to the condo for a shower and whatever shananigans j had planned for the evening.
somehow during the days run, i managed to feel far flatter than i'd ever felt, no motivation or drive, as much as i tried to run faster, my legs just wouldn't go. no explanations, no ideas, nothing, just legs that were not willing to cooperate.
back to the drawing boards.
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