Sunday, March 25, 2012

20120325 week summary

a bit tired at this point, my legs are feeling the increased effort.  a great week in the books, now lets see how repeatable it is.  it seems every run was either a pretty strong effort or a long run.  had lots of climbing and some good tempo efforts, and several nice steady longer runs thrown in there.  achilles held up nicely through all of this, some twinges here and there, but nothing i'm concerned about yet.  when it complained i pulled back.

biggest week since early january and things are still feeling good.  i definitely have some soreness in new muscles.  looking forward to continuing down this path and discovering some new trails:

Total Time:  16:59
Run:            14:59
Other:           2:00
distance:       93.3
TSS:            845
climbing:      9900'

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