Thursday, August 30, 2012

20120819 week summary

tunnels explorations: intended to do a 6 - 7 mile loop but i got turned around and wound up exploring a bit, my legs put or a very lackluster performance today, so i decided to head back cutting the run short. it's time to be smart and let the legs come back around.

Tuesday: running clinic: consisted of form work, stretches, drills, some hill repeats and a couple intervals. i've really lost a bit of speed. perhaps i need to add in some faster efforts and start working a bit on turnover.

Wednesday:  Black mtn Carmel mtn loop: legs started out feeling sluggish, but the pace was decent. once i reach the top of black mountain things got easier and my legs started to turn over a bit better. things seem to be coming around.



Saturday: Leadville 100 - i mean 30, at least for me. the first 4 - 5 miles felt ok, then it was as if someone sucked all the life out of my legs. everything became a huge effort, i was walking short low grade climbs, not pro-actively, but because i really didn't have the energy to run up them. i tried taking in as many calories as i could hoping it would bring things around, but that never happened. by mile 10 i was feeling like i would expect to feel around 80 or 90. by mile 30 i was 10 minutes behind the cutof and my day was over: 7:30ish for 30 miles, that's one huge step backwards. now to figure out what happened.  a full report is forthcoming


Retrospective: and saturday was a most incredible experience.  i'm not exactly sure what happened, i do know that i had absolutely nothing in the tank after just 5 miles, so i managed to eak out just under a marathon in a little over 6 hours on fumes.  i will be taking some down time to try and figure out what caused the incredible fatigue i experienced.

Total Time:  9:57
Run Time:    9:57
Other Time:  0
Distance:      43
TSS:             289
Climbing:      4,124'

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