Tuesday, September 11, 2012

20120826 Week summary

Monday: nothing - i'm going to make an honest attempt at letting my body get over this fatigue

Tuesday: repeat of monday - though i spent some time back and forthing on whether i could squeeze in a short easy run.  ultimately being tired won out.

Wednesday: Black Mtn Camino Del sur loop: legs a little lethargic on climbs, but seemingly far better then the showing at leadville.

Thursday: feeling a bit off after yesterday, another down day, no running

Friday: Black Mtn Carmel mtn loop: legs feel a little heavy but are definitely coming around. my times are decent, though my legs feel slow and heavy.

Saturday: more rest

Sunday: another day of rest.

Retrospective:  my legs just don't seem to have any pep.  i'm struggling to get out of bed and running doesn't seem to be helping.  looks like some more down time.

Total Time: 1:45
Run Time:   1:45
Distance:    13.5
TSS:            138
Climbing:    1,240'

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