Sunday, February 2, 2014

20140202 - week in review

monday - nothing

tuesday - htfu run (6 miles 0:48)  with a couple siu pills to help along the way.  this was supposed to be a quick jaunt around the roads of leadville to make sure i got outside today.  when i did finally open the door (for my run, sirius and i took a walk earlier, but apparently i forgot how cold it was-  the thermometer read -8 and there was some wind. the good news is i remembered gloves and a jacket.  shorts are not the best choice for cooler temperatures (read below 0).  It was supposed to be a quick jaunt, but as my legs were feeling good (thanks to lacy putting the hurt to me on friday and saturday:)  i opted to stretch out a bit, and make it a tempo effort.  about 20 minutes into it (at the low point of the run, literally and figuratively), my hands were cold, my feet hurt, even my head was tingly.  the good news, i had roughly 2.5 miles with 400' of climbing, not steep, but enough to slow me down.  i put my head down and tried to hold a steady effort.  the wind subsided, as did the cold, though my head would continue to tingle even after i was back inside, and it took a bit for my hands and feet to thaw.

wednesday - leadville explorations (5.8 miles 0:56).  a balmy 14 degrees and i found myself wandering along some plowed and packed dirt roads on the eastside of town, no ambition just wandering.  i threw in some drills as a first attempt at finding some leg speed.  i stumbled on a fun little loop, just need to find a better way of linking it back into town (other than running up 91 - the highway).

dillon trials (8 miles 1:30).  a pleasant surprise, 2 on the day, and a run with 2 of my favorite running buddies (lacy and joula).  lacy always seems to find a way to put it to me, and today wasn't any different.  she is an incredible little ball of non stop energy.  the more time i spend with her, the more i grow as a person and stretch in new ways (i like to believe it's like looking in a mirror, but in reality she is probably a far better person than i am.  i hope to glean some of the simpleness and goodness with which she approaches life). in addition to having an interminable amount of energy, she has a very simple and interesting outlook on life.  today she introduced me to some fun trails just outside of dillon.  the trials were a mix of ice, snow, and even some dirt.  in my infinite ignorance, i opted to run downhill through the center of an ice sheet (the best way to get me to do something is to prohibit it).  not 3 steps onto the ice, me feet out accelerated the rest of me, i went horizontal, landed flat on my back and proceeded to slide down the patch of ice.  add it to the list of the days lumps and move on.  i got back up, dusted myself off and we carried on with our run and conversations.  as we were finishing up, the beginnings of our winter storm began rolling in.

thursday - warm weather reprieve (4 miles 0:34).  sirius and i had an appointment in denver today, so i figured why not enjoy warmer weather (temps in the 30's at 6am when i started), i wandered around some paved pedestrian ways, and threw in a 1/4 mile effort between 1 mile and 5k race pace (it felt close to 1 mile race pace, but in the past i am pretty sure i've held close to that for 5k, i'm embracing living in the past:) just to try and breath some turnover back into my legs.

friday - snowboarding, lots of fresh powder and a bit of re-learning how to ride in the soft stuff, and some tree runs.  i've got a long way to go to be back where i remember being years ago.

saturday - boulder run (15.8 miles 4:11).  what was supposed to be a nice long day on dirt turned into a really long day, Lacy, Jamie, and i set out early morning heading for boulder.  unfortunately Jamie wasn't feeling well and opted out of the run.  Lacy and I met up with Geoff and his buddy Phil and were joining Human Potential Running.  Lacy and i would start with the group while Geoff and Phil went to drop a car so they could bail earlier due to prior engagements.  Due to the previous days storms, this turned into a run much like we would have done by home, lots of trudging through snow with sections of runnable packed trail, and a bit of road just because.  nothing terribly exciting to report on the run, a nice easy effort (more walking than running, though the snow forced new muscle recruitment and soreness).  all in all a good day with good people topped of with dinner at Geoff's place.

sunday - turquoise lake groomer (3.1 miles 0:43).  after a very late night and early morning, i woke late to blue skies and the warmth of the sun, a great day for a run.  i headed over to check out the supposed groomed trails around turquoise lake.  They were in fact groomed, though not packed down so well, after about 20 minutes of breaking through the semi packed trail, i opted to turn around and try to defrost my hands and feet.  it felt great soaking up the sun, and likely would have been a great day for the run down in boulder, perhaps next week.

retrospective:  i was hoping to keep the build of the last few weeks, based on numbers, it didn't happen, based on soreness, there was a good bit of reaching going on this week.  it's been a little while since i have been sore, and i'm enjoying it.  took the day easy, and look forward to a good week coming.
total time:  8:43
run time:    8:43
distance:    42.8 mile
TSS:           390
climbing:    3,684'

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