Friday, September 28, 2012

20120923 week summary

Monday: Paris Explorations: another short jaunt around the suburbs outside paris. Everything feels ok.





Saturday: VCU 100. an encore performance of leadville. except this time i stretched it out to 36miles. the morning started out ok, a little sluggish, but nothing too bad. the temperatures were warm for this time of year.

the terrain was much drier then last year, with only a couple sections of mud. took a short detour about 500' before the 1st aid station, a group of us went off trail for maybe 1/4 mile before turning around and getting back on course.

i grabbed some gels and water at the first aid station and a handful of cookies. the next section is a fun little jaunt through the woods. Around mile 7 a group of bees set up a hive, or so it seems.

several of us were stung on the way through. i got stung on my right achilles.

there was a bit of walk run going on here. I started feeling a little better and decided to try and get some miles behind me while things were going ok.

The alpine loop was a lot of walking up some slick and steeper climbs, and a little slippery section through mudy rocks on the descent back into the aid station.

The next section is an out and back with some ups and downs leading out to daisy hollow. The 13 miles out took me 3 hours and the return 13 miles took me 4 hours.

The return trip from daisy hollow was where things really rell apart. I pretty much walked back with some punctuations of a poor attempt at jogging.


Retrospective: another eye opening week, lots of rest coming up, and an appointment to follow up on the blood work on monday oct 1.  after that i'll see how to proceed.  until then i'm going to take it easy and try to focus on getting some consistently good meals.

Total Time:  11:12
Run Time:    11:12
Distance:      38.8
TSS:              222
Climbing:      7,605'

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