Monday, November 29, 2010
Nov 28 recap
AM: run 5.6 miles (0:49) TSF BM CM loop (594'). legs feel ok, a little tired, started to come around after 4 miles or so.
20101123 Tues
PM: run 2.8 miles (0:32) Pulse H st trail loop (374'). very slow easy run.
20101124 Wed
AM: run 14.7 miles (1:55) RPQ Del mar loop +, (1430') Strong run and solid effort, legs felt good all the way through.
20101125 Thur
AM: run 24.1 miles (3:56) Downtown fiesta island ramblings (2831') legs a bit tired, sluggish for the last hour.
20101126 Fri
AM: run 14.3 miles (2:17) Chula Vista trails ramblings (2195'). legs are definitely feeling yesterdays effort. very sluggish, especially on climbs. very slow run.
PM: run 4.6 miles (0:41) Del Rey loop (453'). little better then this mornings run. legs loosening up a bit. all in all still tired.
20101127 Sat
AM: run 15.6 miles (2:11) Magnolia lake jennings loop + (1447'). Legs a little sluggish, pace solid, and consistent. had to focus the last mile or so to keep the pace.
20101128 Sun
AM: run 30.1 miles (5:07) Balboa park ramblings (4944'). Long run, felt pretty good through around 4:15, then things started to slow dramatically. 2 gels, 1 pack of chomps, 3 water bottles. need more food. have some tenderness in left achilles, right achilles feels fine.
Total Run
-Miles: 111.8
-Hours: 17h 28min
-Vertical: 14,268'
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Nov 21 recap
AM: run 7.3 miles (0:57) Misc run from home (449'). easy run with a break in the middle. legs feel pretty good
20101116 Tues
PM: run 2.8 miles (0:28) Pulse H st trail loop (374'). very slow easy run.
20101117 Wed
AM: run 10.2 miles (1:18) Balboa Park wanderings, (1152') good solid effort, legs were feeling the faster effort towards the end.
20101118 Thur
PM: run 12.25 miles (2:01) Mission Gorge wanderings (1657') steady trail run, legs felt good climbing. can start to feel a bit of the achilles, hopefully just tenderness from yesterdays effort and the hills today.
20101119 Fri
AM: run 13.4 miles (1:43) TSF BM del mar loop+ (1480'). strong run, solid effort, legs felt great the entire run. TSF BM del mar loop + short extensions.
20101120 Sat
AM: run 7 miles (0:58) Prospect Cuyamaca loop + (495'). felt like a newborn giraffe trying to learn how to walk.
20101121 Sun
- AM: run 29.25 miles (4:46) Xterra Mission Gorge 15k + run there and back (3107'). long run, legs felt good on all climbs and up until around 4:15 - 4:30, then mileage started to take it's toll. all in all a good day, not feeling too sore. need to roll out my achilles.
Total Run
-Miles: 82.7
-Hours: 12h 15min
-Vertical: 8,714'
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Nov 14 recap
-AM: run 3.3 miles (0:32) short loop in henderson (197'). recovery run, legs very tired and not happy.
20101109 Tues
AM: run 3.3 miles (0:32) Seattle needle loop (243'). slow and steady no great efforts. legs are still tired from silverman.
20101110 Wed
-AM: run 4.2 miles (0:30) Seattle aquarium out and back, (1138') egs started a bit stiff but quickly loosened up. clock is short by 10 minutes and about 1 mile.
20101111 Thur
- AM: run 4.9 miles (0:43) Seattle Needle through pioneer square loop (928')legs coming around sooner. think i'm pretty much recovered from silverman.
20101112 Fri
- AM: run 21.3 miles (3:25) Seattle green lake loop (1765'). exploration run, got lost a bit towards the end and wound up slowing a bit. all in all legs are doing well.
20101113 Sat
- AM: run 13 miles (1:59) Seattle waterfront out and back (4954'). Legs felt a little sluggish to start, but came around and felt good. loving the fall weather.
20101114 Sun
- AM: run 7.1 miles (1:00) random along the coast (2972'). egs felt good this morning, weather a little warmer then the previous days, and a little wet from overnight rains.
Total Run
-Miles: 57.5
-Hours: 8h 42min
-Vertical: 14,422'
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Last visit with fall colors
washed out oranges and yellows,
the reds are faded to rusted pink.
the ground hidden beneath
decaying colors so vibrant
just weeks before
the final scents of fall are in the air
i inhale and wash away my despair
i'm chilled at the core
i sit atop a hill, overlooking the bay
ships come and go
cormorants bob heavily in the sea
a heron comes to rest amongst
the rocky shore.
my mind wanders freely
taking in all around
as a brand new experience.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Silverman 2010
SWIM (2.4 miles): i lined up towards the front, once the gun went off, i worked my way through the initial congestion, i settled in on a pair of feet and cruised through the swim. nothing eventful, 1 bridged up to a new set of feet a couple of times. No great efforts, and my swim time reflected that. SWIM 1:11:13 (1:47min/100m)
T1: i came out of the water and had some trouble getting out of my wetsuit. After i stripped it off, i grabbed my bike gear, put my helmet a couple bonk breakers, racebelt, and sunglasses. made a quick bathroom break, and off onto the bike course. A rather slow transition (0:06:51)
Bike (112 miles): my strategy was pretty straight forward, ride easy for the fast sections, put a little extra effort into headwinds and climbs, and see where things fell out. I headed out towards the first turnaround just past 15 miles. On the way back, i saw several pulse kits, recognized Dean out front, Dave Stepp a little behind, and Mike Drury a little further back. I settled into a good steady effort, focused on hydrating well, and taking in the calories i would need to keep going. a couple riders went back and forth with me, and a couple rode past me, it wasn't in the cards today to engage in a game of chase. I sat in and followed the plan. At the 60 mile turnaround i felt strong, and continued with the plan, a slightly harder effort on the way back. At 65 miles my legs started cramping, lovely, this will make for a great day, and no salt tabs either.
i tried to focus on a steady effort, with consistent effort throughout the pedal stroke and tried to relax my legs. Next aid station i grabbed 1 banana and a gatorade. The cramping eased until between 75 and 80 miles and came back a little worse. Again i settled in to a steady effort, grabbed a banana, and more gatorade. I was hoping the low points would come much later, no such luck.
The 90 mile mark and onto the bike path, feeling pretty good, and the cramping had subsided. the bike path would prove to be into a stiff headwind, and particularly slow. it was a mental challenge to stay aero going so slowly; however, with the headwind, i kept reminding myself, it was far easier to proceed in the aero position then if i were to sit upright. When i got off the bike path, i was feeling pretty good, grabbed some water and gatorade from the last aid station. a couple more riders went by, then i settled back into my solo effort. The last 12 miles proved to be pretty straightforward, just kep plugging away at it. This was the first time i was not ready to get off the bike at the end of the ride. I saw Kariem starting on the run, as i was coming in off the bike. BIKE 6:07:57 (18.3 mph)
T2: Off the bike, my legs are a bit stiff and take a while to come around. I hand off my bike, grab my run gear bag, and head into the tent. socks, running shoes and i'm off onto the run. (0:02:18)
Run (26.2 miles): started on the run, slow and steady, try to run very comfortably easy and hold the pace for as long as possible. I grabbed some liquid at the first aid station, and would grab gel and liquid at even aid stations. legs felt ok, i caught Kariem just past mile 4 of the run, chatted briefly and wished him well. I kept plugging along slow and steady. this worked for almost 16 miles, then it all caught up, and my pace slowed to a crawl. I tried to grab nutrition and stuff it in, several gels, some animal crackers, oranges, bananas and broth, let my stomach settle, and hope my legs came around. I wound up walking a bit here and there, but always resumed the run. I came back down and made the last pass through the district. RUN 4:48:25 (11:01 min/m)
OVERALL: 12:16:42
all in all i'm satisfied with the results and a good time. Despite the fact that there were several things i missed during the race and trip.
Nov 7 recap
-PM: run 8.5 miles (1:12) Mast out and back (915'). legs felt a bit sluggish for 4 - 5 miles then started to loosen up and hit a pretty good groove.
20101102 Tues
AM: run 7.7 miles (1:45) TSF Black mtn loop (1266'). slow and steady no great efforts. legs are still acclimating to the consistency and distance.
20101103 Wed
-AM: run 5.8 miles (0:45) TSF Carmel mtn loop, (577') legs moderately tired, slight discomfort in right achilles. felt stronger as run progressed.
-PM: ride 35.8 miles (2:02) Fiesta island loops, (118') steady efforts, started very slow, and built to stronger pace for the last 30 - 40 minutes.
20101104 Thur
- PM: run 3 miles (0:20) Down H st. (217') legs feel good. good solid effort.
- PM: swim .8 mile (0:21) Coronado oceanside swim. easy just concentrate on form.
20101105 Fri
- AM: run 6.7 miles (0:49) Marshall loop (535'). legs slightly tired, but hit a good pace and held it comfortable.
- AM: ride 4.8 miles (0:22) shake out ride (495'). shake out ride easy effort.
20101106 Sat
- AM: run 6.3 miles (0:49) Henderson loop (600'). solid run, legs feel good, started out a little heavy feeling but found a good flow.
20101107 Sun
- AM: swim 2.4 miles (1:11) Silverman swim.
- AM: ride 112 miles (6:07) Silverman bike (7800').
- PM: run 26.2 miles (4:48) Silverman run (2360').
Total Run
-Miles: 64
-Hours: 10h 28min
-Vertical: 6,470'
Total Bike
-Miles: 152
-Hours: 8h 31min
-Vertical: 8,413'
Total Swim
-Miles: 3.2
-Hours: 1h 32min
-Miles: 220
-Hours: 20h 31min
-Vertical: 14,883'
Monday, November 1, 2010
October 31 recap.
20101025 Mon
-AM: run 9 miles (1:20) TSF RPQ loop (1785'). legs felt a bit sluggish for 4 - 5 miles then started to loosen up and hit a pretty good groove.
20101026 Tues
AM: run 13 miles (1:45) TSF BM Del Mar loop (2200'). slow and steady no great efforts. legs are still acclimating to the consistency and distance.
20101027 Wed
-AM: run 7.8 miles (1:05) TSF Black mtn loop, (1460') legs felt very flat through 3 miles and had some pretty significant gi issues. after that i felt much better and paced picked up, and legs felt good
20101028 Thur
- PM: run 3.7 miles (0:26) EH short loop (928') legs feel good. good solid effort
20101029 Fri
- AM: run 5.8 miles (0:45) TSF CM loop (988'). just maintaining the daily runs.
20101030 Sat
- AM: ride 58 miles (3:28) Pulse Ride + (6132'). legs felt good, some stronger efforts.
- PM: ride 19 miles (1:13) ride home (1342'). easy cruise nothing spectacular.
- PM: run 4.1 miles (0:29) peerless loop (256'). brick run, legs feeling good.
20101031 Sun
- AM: ride 32 miles (2:14) random along the coast (1365'). easy spin.
- AM: swim 1 mile (0:27) la jolla shores. solid effort to 1/2 mile buoy, then good effort to marine room, from there, easy swim chasing leopard sharks. its refreshing to see them around again, it's been some time since i've come across them, and really enjoyed swimming with them.
- PM: run 7.3 miles (1:04) string of pulse trails (1043'). decent run, legs a bit tired, started to come around between 4 and 5 miles.20101031 Sun
Total Run
-Miles: 51
-Hours: 6h 55min
-Vertical: 8,671'
Total Bike
-Miles: 109
-Hours: 6h 55min
-Vertical: 8,839'
Total Swim
-Miles: 1.25
-Hours: 0h 30min
-Miles: 161
-Hours: 14h 20min
-Vertical: 17,510'