20110110 Mon
PM1: run 4 miles (0:30) peerless loop (433') stomach overloaded with lunch foods, tried to take it slow and let things settle, but was running well, so pressed the time a little towards the end.
PM2: run 3.4 miles (0:29) 2nd st loop (443') moderate effort shake out run.
20110111 Tues
AM run 9 miles (1:08) 2x peerless loop (1076') legs feel good, steady effort. primarily trying to keep things moving and legs ready.
20110112 Wed
run 7.7 miles (1:00) TSF BM CDS loop (1230'). Pressed the effort slightly after the halfway point to test achilles, feels pretty good, a little bit of niggling here and there, saturday should prove interesting.
20110113 Thur
run 5.7 miles (0:42) TSF BM CM loop (584') good pace, felt relaxed early on. Felt good, so i pressed the pace slightly towards the end.
20110114 Fri
AM: run 6.3 miles (0:53) peerless loop + (1188') steady shake out run legs feel good.
20110108 Sat
AM: run 34 miles (6:55) avalon benefit run (6073') legs felt ok through 24 miles, then started to protest, light on nutrition (only 5 gels for 4 hours and a couple cookies). the big problem came in the form of niggling injuries. dropped and decided to take some time and resolve the problems properly with rest and rehabilitiation.
20110116 Sun
day 90, despite my contemplations to run, i ended up skipping the day, ending my consecutive running days at 89. had some achilles issues again yesterday, and opted for a rest and recuperation approach to try and put an end to the niggles for good. it was a tough decision, but i'm going to avoid running for several days and re-evaluate the situation at that time. i laid awake tonight for several hours contemplating sneaking out for a quick run, debating whether this was going to be day 90 or if i'd hit the reset button. laziness, or good sense (perhaps a combination of the two) won out and i skipped the run.
Total Run for this week
-Miles: 79.3
-Hours: 11h 40min
89 day running summary:
had some good runs, and some niggling injuries, i'll take a bit of time to fix those, and start building for august:
- Miles: 911.75
- Hours: 136:48
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