Sunday, April 1, 2012

20120401 week summary

Another great week in the books.   started out a little slow and flat, then i hit a little bit of a stride and had a great weekend out at the grand canyon with a good bit of hiking for the vertical and jogging along the canyon floor.

Starting to get in some climbing and the achilles is holding up well.  i had some tenderness during the final miles of the double crossing (very slight little niggles), most all of which were gone on todays run.

at first consideration the niggles weigh a bit more heavily then they should.  everytime i feel something in the right achilles i find myself questioning, is this one that will warm up and go way, or is it still lingering???  then i let everything go and enjoy the run.  so far it's proving to work, trust in the rehab and be smart with the running and it will all come around.  honestly i'm happy with the progression and feel as though i'm running close to the strongest i've ever run.

best part about it is i've pulled a pretty good repeat of last week.  consistency is lining up.  now if i could just get my feet to toughen up a little (they are a bit beat up from the rocky descents down from the north rim).

total time:    24:00
run:             21:42
other:            2:10
distance:       91.2
tss:               756
climbing:      13985'

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