Monday: decent run from pulse in new balance 110. i do not like these shoes not on a trail not on a track not with a tail not with a hack i do not like these shoes
the run itself was a good run felt pretty comfortable on the climbs but pretty unstable on the descents so i took them slowly. a little tired in the legs.
Tuesday: finally managed to motivate and run to rehab from home: good little run to rehab up swallow. felt a little sluggish on the climb but was able to maintain the entire bit at a slow but steady jog. some minor roaming tenderness in the right achilles and general tired in the legs. a good start to a good week.
rehab: SESSION 16: ~1:10 hour range of motion and some single leg lunges for strengthening and flexibility without slider. did some lunges backwards, sideways and forward angled.
i'm noticing a little more stability and a big improvement in range of motion, my ankles actually can actually dorsiflex (though be it only slightly)
run back from rehab. legs felt extremely sluggish coming out of the gates and loosened up slightly. nice tired legs. 1 or 2 more days and then it's time to clear things our for saturday.
Wednesday: i have some serious issues to work through. as i was unable to sleep tonight, i decided it would be good to get out and enjoy some night air and get in some climbing. run went very well up to mile 8ish, then i had a bit of a coughing fit which caused acute pain on the right side of my lower abdomen/groin junction which nearly brought me to my knees. i coughed up some thick phlegm substance which i couldn't investigate (and probably would not have investigated even if it was light) due to the dark. i continued on the run and finished up.
after i got home i had a couple more coughing fits that dislodged some more thick mucuousy goodness, these had confirmed dark brown colorations. very exciting, and the acute abdomen pain is hanging out for close to a week now. not sure what it is, just sure it needs to go away.
Thursday: it was difficult to get out of bed this morning. i've been pretty void of sleep the last 2 nights, and it's starting to weigh heavily. the run started out slow, and i was ready to call it good with 4, then i found a small hill which i could go up, and had so much fun i decided to climb it twice. my legs never really showed up, but they never really fully revolted either, i'm calling it a good thing and saying my lazy speed is increasing.
Friday: yep, that sleep deprivation continues, i'm severely low on sleep for 3 days now. the good news is i've got a lot of work queued up for tonight, and another 50 tomorrow. yep, that has definite potential for some serious detonation. back to todays run. i was hurting pretty severly, far slower then usual on this course, and seriously considered cutting it short, but i think i slept through the turn off that would have released me from the suffering. the climbs were definitely slow, and the descents weren't much better. i had a brief stint on a flat section where i was able to put in a decent pace with focused effort. all in all today was a mental toughness day, just keep plugging along.
Saturday: another 50 in the books. not just any 50. this was by no means a challenging 50, it was a respectable course with a good bit of climbing, but not as challenging as my day indicates. I had serious issues for much of the race, that abdominal pain, still there, and forced a slightly slower pace, as well as some shooting pain that double me over on the trail a couple times (i'll give it another week to heal and then re-evaluate). all in all this was the most mentally challenging day i've had in a long time. the main thing that kept me going was the demons i carry around with me from last year. that combined with Kariem's dedicatoin and unwillingness to quite helped me dig deep and keep moving despite the amount of physical and mental discomfort i was experiencing. after a very long and grueling day, i did finish, in so doing, i've made incredible progress and learned a lot about what's really inside.
Sunday: DAY OFF - there is too much pain and discomfort to even remotely consider running, i'm sitting this one out
In review: this was a difficult week there was nothing spectacular about it. It was mentally and physically taxing, the numbers may not be too impressive, but i know deep down this is one of the toughest weeks i've had. saturday's 50 proved to be my most challenging endeavor, not because the course was so challenging, i've done tougher courses, it's just the way the day played out, nothing went horribly wrong, but many things went just a little awry, and they all added up to force me to dig very deep and really ask how much i was dedicated to finishing. in the past i've dropped with much less reason than i had on saturday, but on saturday there was a little something extra which i uncovered, and drew upon to continue going forward when i really wanted nothing more then to curl up lay down and be done with the entire ordeal. perhaps i am finding that fire which burned so brightly many years ago. or maybe just maybe i'm building a new fire
Total Time: 20:02
Run Time: 18:52
Other: 1:10
Distance: 92.3
TSS: 715
climbing: 9846'
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