Saturday, May 26, 2012

WS100: Robinson's Flat to Foresthill

Saturday May 26, 2011:  got out to robinson's flat early friday morning, some light snow was falling and it was a bit chilly.  slept a bit waiting for the sun and motivation to come about.

The morning started out a bit chilly, some now was falling, and there was a bit of snow cover on the ground.  i started with a heavy long sleeve shirt and t-shirt had 3 bonk breakers (of the blueberry variety) for breakfast.  then started off in the direction of the western states trail (as indicated by the sign).  it did not look like the right direction.  i'd heard another group of people starting out shortly after i headed out, so decided to head back and see which way they were heading.

I spoke briefly to their driver, he said they were about 1 minute ahead, heading straight over the mountain to hit up the trail.

I started running in the direction he indicated, and quickly came across some tracks in the snow and proceeded to follow them.  Shortly before coming over the summit, I caught up with the 7, a couple that have completed the western states numerous times, and 5 others.  there was Bill, Wayne, Tony, Molly, Kristen, Kelly, 1 other lady (maybe kathy?) and her dog bolt.

we stuck together for the early parts, and made a detour to Bill's property for some water refills.  Bill and Wayne had lots of information on the course and were happy to share it.  all in all a great group of people and i thoroughly enjoyed the company and the course.  some incredibly scenic views and an all in all enjoyable experience.

As the day progressed, Wayne, Kathy (?) and bolt slowed in pace and separated.  We continued on and Bill and Tony kept pointing out different views and where particular aid stations where along the course.  I was having a blast taking in all the views and enjoying the new trails.  i was enjoying the entire run.  After coming out of el dorado creek i caught a toe and went down pretty good from the abdomen.  that's going to set me back a bit.  i laid there for a good 30 seconds wallowing in the discomfort before getting up and slowly getting back to the task at hand.

i continued on fairly well into michigan bluff and took another break had some water and some snacks offered by Tony and Bill.  Coming out of michigan bluff i felt a bit of the day catching up to me, i was able to climb up most of the fire roads out of michigan bluff, i significantly slowed my pace on the descent and subsequent climb up bath road.

i opted to finish it up in foresthills, though Tony, Bill, Kristen, and Molly where going to continue on to drivers flat (about another 20 miles).  i was more interested in eating some solid food and saving the next sections for another day or perhaps 2.

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