Sunday, May 20, 2012

20120520 week in review

Monday: Black Mountain Carmel Mountain Loop:  yep, just as expected an incredibly slow trek through a typically easy run. Nothing fantastic to write about except i'm a bit sore, my abdomen is a bit twingy and i've found a new pain in my right foot, a pretty good call to run and it will all fix itself, i'm prescribing to the increased blood flow improves healing now the crux of this is to get enough activity and range of motion to increase blood flow but not too much that the injury is exacerbated. i walk the line: hopefully i stay on the correct side

Tuesday: Pre-Rehab Warmup: another sleepy morning, rolled out of bed just in time to squeeze in a short warm up run prior to pt. abdomen feels better, still a little twingy with faster efforts, and foot is off and on, i'm on the mend.  1 hour of rehab followed by: Post Rehab run a slow jog back from rehab. definitely feeling the remnants of saturday's efforts.

Tunnels exploration: when you are tired and suffering from running, it's time to run more? nice little trail run, things are definitely mending, feeling better, still have a little way to go before i'm back to running normally. a couple misteps caused shooting pain in the abdomen, but it's manageable, and seems to be improving - increased blood flow

Wednesday: Gillespie Loop: almost missed runnin today. after some internal dialogue, i managed to slip out the door a little late in the evening for what was to be a short easy jaunt. once i got out the door my stride felt easy and fluid and i was running well, so i stretched things out a bit and extended the loop, had a great run with an easy stride and a back to normal pace. no residual soreness or tiredness from saturday, felt fresh and springy hte entire run. sweet, a couple more days of easier running and i'll go for a long run. very glad i mustered the ambition and got out the door for this one. see running really does cure what ails you, even if running is what ails you

Thursday: Run to rehab: didn't feel as springy as last night, came out of the gates a little slow, which is to be expected after last nights performance. legs a little heavy on the climb, but this still seems to be going better then the last time i climbed this route. abdomen is a little more twingy then i want, likely from last nights effort so i'll be going a bit slow on it.  1 hour of rehab followed by:  Run Home: feeling a bit flat, though things are moving ok. more running is more fun:) working with shorter stride to ease strain on the abdomen/hip flexor. did some work for it during rehab today and have some homework for it. the primary goal is increased blood flow.

Friday: Black Mountain Carmel Valley loop: base run, legs are feeling much better, abdomen still has some discomfort, but is improving. still keeping the running pretty lax as far as pace goes. i started this run hoping to keep every mile under 8min pace, and got a bit nervous a couple times, so wound up pressing a bit more then i expected, though i never really pressed things too much. this may be a personal best on this route, very pleased with today's run. just need to let the abdomen heal and get in some good long runs and climbing in the next couple weeks.

Saturday: Cowles: nice run, had to cut it a bit short ran the entire way up cowles mountain. legs felt really good coming down to the navajo side. due to time constraints i opted to come back on the road. things slowed a little bit after mile 15 or so. all in all a good day with successful climbs. 5 gels 2 water bottles

Otay explorations: Sometimes i do the double. a nice little exploratory run out off otay lakes to the south side by the skydiving place. some good little climbs (a bit of walking up them this time) and a rocky bit on the way back, then continued on to pulse. legs felt suprisingly good towards the end. 5 gels in 2 water bottles.

Sunday: swallow loop: nice little jog enjoying the heat of the day. nothing spectacular about this legs felt suprisingly ok just cruising along at a nice pedestrian like pace. was able to jog the entire thing some nice little climbs thrown in for fun. around 6 miles a couple of 15/16 year olds provided some mood lightening cat calling and other suggestive ideas.

stonewall run: another opportunity for a little bit of vertical. my legs felt suprisingly ok on the climbs, the descent was a little slow and uncertain due to the footing and brush covering the trail. had a decent run up through 4 - 4.5 miles then this week started catching up to me, and perhaps a little of the heat. a good close to a good week.

In Review

Total Time:   17:09
Run Time:     15:09

Other:              2:00
Distance:       96.4
TSS:               848
climbing:       7461'

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