Thursday, July 5, 2012

20120701 week summary

Monday:  about 4 miles/45 minutes of exploring through the trails outside mt rushmoore. ball of right foot is pretty tender and not real happy about running. legs are a bit sore and slow to come around.

jog/hike ~ 20 minutes and 1.5 miles of exploration in south dakota. found a nice little pool along the creek and took some time to soak. legs still not happy, and ball of the right foot is even less happy. my running mechanics are severely negatively impacted by this tenderness. looks like it's going to be some slow easy days this week. due almost entirely to the ball of the foot. legs feel as they could be ready to resume normal mileage otherwise.

Tuesday:  pre-rehab run. some significant tenderness in right forefoot just behind the ball of the foot on toe off. going to give this a few days to recover.

Retrospective:  not much to speak of this week.  this is definitely been a slow week for running, too much work and other priorities as well as a pretty significant niggle under the ball of my right foot.  time to keep my eye on the prize and try to run smart.  let's hope it all pans out.  i ran briefly on monday and for about 20 minutes on tuesday.  other than that i was occupied with work and some serious introspection trying to make the right choices.  it was most all i could do to hold off on the running through sunday, let's see how the foot responds.

Total Time:  2:25
Run Time:    1:25
Other:           1:00
Distance:      6.75 miles
TSS:              30
Climbing:      100'

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