Sunday, July 29, 2012

20120729 week summary

Monday:  Tunnels explorations - my lungs never really caught up with this run. it did not feel like an extraordinary effort on my legs, but for some reason my lungs were struggling to keep up. perhaps the scenery is just too breathtaking? it's a nice loop

   bench press:
      10 @ 135
       6 @ 155
       2 @ 175 (some help on #2)
       2 @ 185 (some help on both)
      6 @ 135

      10 @ 25
      10 @ 35

      2 x(20 @ 225 (single leg squats) 5 regular squats)
    10 @ 315 (single leg squats) 5 regular squats<

pepper main broadway loop +. started out feeling good, so i decided to make it a harder tempo run, even with ~ 1:30 stop at the bank i managed to run a decent 10k. on this course. my legs felt pretty good throughout, though i felt as though i was fading slightly the last 1/2 mile. i almost forgot how fun it is to press the shorter efforts.

Wednesday:  Black mtn Camino Del sur loop CW. good run this morning, expecially on the heels of last nights tempo. i tried to keep the entire run comfortable but found myself pressing the effort slightly on several sections due to things feeling pretty good, and the time being relatively quick. maybe i can uncover just a little speed in my legs after all.

Thursday:   Mission trails north fortuna summit. legs are utterly worthless today. i managed to jog up the climbs, but felt completely useless.

Friday:  El cajon mtn: managed to run the first 3 or 3.5 miles when i caught up to kariem. we hiked and jogged a bit more enjoyed some of the views from one of the lesser peaks then headed back down. legs still feel frustratingly flat.

Saturday: Greenfield cuyamaca gillespie marshall loop: in an effort to be smart and take my own advice, i opted for a flat easy run today so my legs can absorb the training. there were some sections that almost felt good, but soon faded back to mediocrity and lethargic.

Sunday:  Noble Canyon:  a very runnable climb for moderate to strong runners, not my classification this weekend.  legs felt pretty good early on, then imploded about 2 miles from the top and never came back around.  perhaps i didn't get enough water or nutrition, or perhaps i've just succeeded in running my legs into the ground.  i'm looking forward to a couple easy days and seeing where things go.

Retrospective:  a very gritty week.  primarily me being stubborn and trying to jump back in with high mileage without really thinking about what has me feeling so run down.  those questions are bubbling to the top, so i'll be spending some time thinking about it and seeing if i can find a way to absorb the hard work and hopefully improve my running along the way.  for now i'll focus on enjoying things


Total Time:   12:58
Run Time:     12:28
Other Time:      :30
Distance:        62.5
TSS:               588
Climbing:       10,098'

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