Thursday, July 19, 2012

20120715 week summary

Monday: Black mtn carmel mtn loop. nice slow run to try and shake out the weekends miles and laziness.

Tuesday: Pre-rehab run. day started off slow, i just don't seem to have much in the way of climbing legs of late. the flats and descents are ok, but the climbs are absolutely slothful. the questoin becomes do i try to push through it or do i try to rest and hope things rebuild?

Wednesday: pepper broadway loop. incredibly lethargic again today, and i could feel yesterdays' lunch and dinner sitting in my intestines. the climbs were pretty poor, once i got over pepper and started into the descent, things improved slightly, but i could still feel the mass of food sitting there. so is it sleep, eating, or just too much running. time to try and figure it out. the good news is i still have 4 days before leadville so if it's either food or sleep there is time to regroup.

San Miguel - group run. my legs actually felt pretty good on this outing, climbed fairly well but very conservatlively in order to save some legs for sunday. Ascent just under 1 hour, then enjoyed the views for sometime before a leisurely descent

Thursday:  Black Mtn Camino Del Sur loop. nice comfortable run. everything felt good, started off a little slow, otherwise i would likely have been a couple minutes faster. never really pushed the pace, just crusing along comfortably. perhaps the legs are coming back around?

Friday:  Black Mtn Carmel Mtn loop: my food intake has been far too high the last week, i've put on close to 10lbs and have felt the weight of all i've been eating sitting in my gut on all but 2 of my runs in the past week. time to be more sensible about eating and hopefully that will contribute to a more comfortable run. my legs felt fine today, just couldn't run due to the excess weight i'm carrying around.

nice easy loop from the shop with Natalie and Kariem. legs feel good, as they should on an easy run. got to enjoy some of the quiet trails in the dark around the shop.

Saturday: Day off.  Number 23 of the year.  yes, 23 days without running in 2012 so far.

Sunday: Silver Rush 50a pretty poor start, not much in the tank and the legs were horribly heavy for the 1st 18 miles. I only took in 2 handfuls of goldfish and about 1 gel due to poor planning for the opening. at mile 18 i realized the error of my ways and enforced a minimum caloire intake between aid stations. from there i was able to move pretty consistently
through the rest of the course. i even pulled together for a strong finish, and only had 1 low point on the course whihc wasn't really a low point, just a long walk up what turns out to be a long slow climb. all in all i'm happy with the way the run went and have some more confidence going into august.

   PrinterBoy (1 - 13):   3:05:31
   Stumptown (13 - 24): 2:46:39
   PrinterBoy (24 - 35):  2:19:45
   Finish (37 - 48):         3:04:28
   TOTAL:                  11:16:22

it was an interesting week, lots of sluggishness and a bit too much eating makes for an interesting 50.  I've made a big mental breakthrough on sunday, i'll go into the details of which in my post about the Silver Rush 50.  Suffice it to say, there was 1 section during the run that i was wondering how much longer this would drag on, and that was within 2 miles of the finish and mainly because i'd decided to race from the last aid station into the finish (note this was the only section of the course that i tried to race).  It seems i'm starting to wrap my head around this long stuff.

Total Time:  20:03
Run Time:    18:48
Other Time:   1:15
Distance:      89.5
TSS:              593
Climbing:    14,836' 

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