20101206 Mon
PM: run 11.6 miles (1:43) RPQ Side Hill green pond loop (1230'). Easy run to rebuild confidence after yesterdays implosion. legs felt good, steady pace, no spectacular efforts. good run.
20101207 Tues
run 9.2 miles (1:10) TSF RPQ CDS loop (1342'): started as an easy run, was feeling strong and on a good pace, so i pushed the last 3 miles a little bit racing the clock. All in all legs feel very good. some minor twinges in right achilles to work out.
PM: run 2.8 miles (0:26) Pulse H St trail loop (446'). slow easy shake out run. legs feel good.
20101208 Wed
AM: run 8 miles (1:01) BM CDS loop (1194') - easy run, comfortable the entire way, slightly higher effort the last 2 miles, but never really pushed the run. just enjoyed being out in the quiet morning hours..
PM: run 4.4 miles (0:41) Mast trails (463'): right achilles began to twinge, cut the run short.
20101209 Thur
PM: run 5.6 miles (0:51) TSF out and back (810'). rigth achilles tender for first 4 miles then loosened up a bit, cut run short.
20101210 Fri
PM: run 4 miles (0:27) rice canyon loop (548'). achilles felt good, pretty solid effort throughout to see how achilles was holding up.
20101211 Sat
AM: run 13.2 miles (1:38) 2x greenfield marshall loop (1736'). very comfortable run, pushed slightly the last 3 miles to have good showing. 1 twinge on r achilles at mile 10, stopped stretched it and massaged it and all is good. we'll see later how it handles.
20101211 Sun
AM: :run 35.4 miles (5:21) NP to Pulse and back (3822'). Minor slump in energy between 19 and 20 miles (due to lack of nutrition). stopped refueled and hydrated, Legs felt good through 32 miles then ran out of nutrition again and definitely felt it. minor right achilles tenderness. total nutrition 2.5 hammer gels, 1 pack of blueberry gu chomps (1st 3 hours) (~650 calories), 6 blueberry/pom roctanes (last 2:20) ~600 caloreis) - total 1250 cal - should have had closer to 1700. running is progressing nicely.
Total Run
-Miles: 94.2
-Hours: 13h 21min
-Vertical: 11,591'
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