20101220 Mon
AM: run 11 miles (1:28) Broadway loop + marshall (1365'). run in the rain, legs felt good, enjoyed splashing through the puddles. very entertaining, like being 5 years old again:)
20101221 Tues
AM run 6 miles (0:42) treadmill run (318') started out easy run at 1% grade. finished last 1.5 miles +/- at 6:30 and better pace.
PM: run 2.2 miles (0:18) northpark wanderings (371'). had some time to kill while waiting for sara, so i ran a short easy run around the neighborhood. still enjoying splashing in the puddles:)
20101222 Wed
PM: run 9.9 miles (1:22) del rey loop (1663'). legs felt pretty crappy. turned into a shakeout/guts run. no hard efforts, just slow and steady. legs not happy today.
20101223 Thur
PM: run 16.6 miles (2:12) Pulse OTC loop + (1834'). legs felt strong started pretty conservative, and finished pretty comfortable. last mile or so legs started to feel a little tired.
20101224 Fri
AM: run 6.8 miles (0:55) modified cuyamaca loop (443'): legs started out feeling good, around mile 4 legs got heavy and pace seemed to slow a little. last 2 or 3 miles had some pretty good gi issues that contributed to the slowing.
PM: run 7.1 miles (1:00) extended del rey loop (1430'). legs started out strong, and slowly faded. perhaps i should refocus on my eating as i was supposed to be doing. have been eating pretty poorly and minimally the last 2 or 3 days and it's starting to reflect in my runs.
20101225 Sat
AM: run 12.2 miles (1:47) Proctor valley OTC loop (1611') good run, legs felt strong, needed a little bit of nutrition.
PM: run 6.5 miles (0:59) del rey loop + (0:59) good run, took a little bit for legs to come around, then felt strong.
20101226 Sun
AM: run 24.8 miles (4:38) Chula Vista wanderings (3550'). long run, right achilles started nagging earlier, but foolish me decided to pull back on the pace and try for the distance i had stuck in my head. around 19 miles, achilles started demanding i stop. was forced to walk the remaining 4 miles. i'll sleep on it and re-assess the situation tomorrow.
Total Run
-Miles: 103.7
-Hours: 15h 26min
-Vertical: 11,444'
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