20101213 Mon
PM run 7.2 miles (1:03) mission trails 5k loop + visitor center (1230'). achilles felt good. legs took about 1/2 Mile to come around, then felt very good.
20101214 Tues
PM run 5.2 miles (0:47) Del Rey loop (682'). Easy shake out run, legs felt good, pushed a slightly higher pace towards the end.
20101215 Wed
PM: run 12 miles (1:41) Balboa park wanderings (2054'): Legs a bit sluggish on the run. some right calf tightness. nice quiet run through balboa park.
20101216 Thur
PM: run 15.7 miles (2:05) Nopal mast park loop (1870'). Legs felt very good throughout, a little heavy around mile 15 but nothing to significant. running is improving nicely.
20101217 Fri
PM: run 6 miles (0:46) Del Rey loop + (1371'). Legs felt very good. higher effort during the final 2 miles due to schedule commitments.
20101218 Sat
AM: run 12.6 miles (1:51) broadway loop + marshall loop (1598') 1st 6 miles at a good strong effort, last 6.5 with sara with legs a bit lethargic.
20101219 Sun
AM: run 21 miles (3:45) swallow loop + Xterra Mission Trails 15k (4078'). Legs felt ok first 16 miles, then i blew up pretty badly, and never really recovered. took a nap and slept very deeply, hopefully just tired.
PM: run 4.3 miles (0:37) Nielsen to home (417'). shake out run, very slow and easy.
Total Run
-Miles: 84.1
-Hours: 12h 37min
-Vertical: 13,300
long week, lots of work obligations kept me from running as many sessions as i would have liked, and perhaps forced some longer runs. all in all the legs were feeling pretty good throughout, then on saturday, the last half was a little lethargic, and sunday's run was a bit of a sufferfest, though there were some very nice views from the peaks in mission trails. i'm attributing the short week to a lot more vertical focus then horizontal, and the slow finish on sunday. ready for a fresh week of high mileage, hopefully some doubles to come.
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